Getting closer for 9’s

So here goes. Ran duster back to back weekends. 150.00 fuel for ram truck,80.00 for 110 octane,100.00 n2o fills, entry fee for family 4 adults almost 200.00, packed coolers 80.00, swag 60.00 plus misc costs that I prefer not to count.
That totals what? 700.00$. Granted I didn’t burn thru all of it but you get the point. Racing ain’t cheap!!!!!
So multiply that by the number of times I race and you get the point. I will be the first to admit my car isn’t 100% legal per nhra rules. Working on it.
Again original post was about my little magnum running 9’s. Maybe someone needs to start a post about safety requirements??? Freely available on line.
I only speak for myself, I’m about going faster and faster,etc. not ready to slow down just yet or sit in lawn chair at cruise night. To each their own. The money I’ve spent and will spend is part of the deal. SFI dates are debatable I know ,but a lot of fellow racers spend *** loads of money on beer,smokes,ex wives,crazy girl friends,alimony,multiple cars that don’t run,etc. it’s all in how you look at things. Thanks motorcity magnum Go faster!