Glue traps, I'm kinda pissed!!!

My coworker decided he was going to put a glue trap in the store front of the shop I work at.
It caught a mouse, apparently the mouse had been there for 2 days, he said it's almost dead.
Well I get to work this morning and it's still alive stuck down, struggling, covered in glue and wet from it's piss, **** all over the trap & so me the "everything has a purpose" guy had to peel it off & throw it on the ground to kill it (instantly)
Anyways those glue traps are about the most inhumane thing I've ever came across. Yes I know rats and mice are not that great but at least kill the things quick.
Thanks for reading my venting lol.
You're kidding, right. lol
Must have been a shitty glue trap, the one's I use a mouse would come apart when trying to remove it.
Did you have a funeral for the abused mouse? lol
No creature should have to die that way. It is inhumane. I did have to set out some snap traps , but once I got MY **** under control & sealed their entryways, we were able to coexist again.
Please don’t use poison either, besides also being inhumane, before they die, some other animal may get them (your dog or cat maybe) and subsequently be poisoned. Besides, they’ll die where you can’t get to them, then you get the odor of decomp to live with.
:lol: secondary poisoning is not a problem with modern rodenticides.
the lethal dose to kill a mouse is a thousand times lower than that to make a dog or cat sick.
We have Coyotes, and if you let a cat stay outside, or if it gets outside, then they are dinner.
Yeah we have coyotes and racoons, luckily the coyotes don't come on my property yet.
If it was the one that destroyed my headliner.... it got what it deserved! :poke:
You're kidding, right. lol
Must have been a shitty glue trap, the one's I use a mouse would come apart when trying to remove it.
Did you have a funeral for the abused mouse? lol
Funny guy lol.
In our shop it 85 degrees so I think it was soft, my gloves were sticky. No I didn't have a funeral lol, but I'm just not a guy who likes to kill for no reason I guess it was suffering so that was my reason.
If there were no stores I'd have no problem killing for food...but I ain't eating rats.
Lastly, I didn't think the mouse was abused lol
I use a chunk of Tootsie Roll on a spring trap, the mice have to pull hard to get a bite. The candy doesn’t go bad and works great.
I agree, the glue traps are awful. They are used where I work. I take the whole trap and slam the poor critter against the ground or dumpster. At least they die quickly.
Bucket trap in my storage shed in winter. They freeze. Freezing to death is better than drowning. No point trying to beat them off in the summer. The local fox needs to eat too.another reason not to poison them.
The amount of Mouse bait it takes to kill mice and has no affect on critters.