Thinking of moving to Florida in the next year

Get use to running the AC 11 months out of the year.
Not true for me. I e had it off for a couple of months now and the windows open. This month it is more on than not. When temps go above 80*, I like to spoils myself and then it on. The pool water today was at 79*’s.

This weekend it’s due to be in the high 80’s and I’ll jump in, maybe.

Further south, I can see full time A/C.
Get use to running the AC 11 months out of the year.

I am not too worried about it. Its either Heat or AC. Here is southern Oregon it gets HOT in the summer time. We will have weeks of 100+ days. I know its a different kind of heat there, and its year round. Currently we keep our house at 72* and its perfectly comfortable. So I guess it just depends on who you are.
We recently moved to Florida from north Georgia. My thoughts:

I loved north Georgia. We lived in Rome. Not stupid cold and not stupid hot. Cost of living was excellent. People were great for the most part. Had a great home with almost an acre in a subdivision in the woods.

Been in Fort Walton Beach Florida for one month. My thought is I wouldn't move to Florida and not live near the coast. We lived in Biloxi during Hurricane Katrina so I ain't scared of no hurricane !!

Everything in Fort Walton Beach (except gasoline) is more expensive here. We are currently house hunting and yes, insurance is brutal. In this area you figure around $2,000 a year for insurance on a home built after 2010. Then add $1,000 for every decade before. Even on a newer home, insurance wants see a new roof on the home or they ding you. Auto insurance is also much higher.

For home prices we're seeing 1/3 less home for the same price as a home in Georgia.

We just registered vehicles today. Roughly $400 to transfer and register each vehicle. In Georgia, a retired Veteran gets two vehicle registrations free! Not in Florida.

Sure, there's no state income tax but they more than make up for it in other ways.

BUT...I drive past bay water, or sound water, or Gulf water every single day. I love it.

I came down for a job. If I had a choice I would have stayed. If I liked warm (hot) and had a choice I would move to Arizona. Been there a number of times and the dry heat is awesome, it's just not a "pretty" place visually unless you're further north.

Good luck on your move. It's always exciting to me!
Buy a house on tall stilts, not sure how to get your cars above the water, and be sure to take your snorkels. I was in Florida a few years ago and thought it would be cool to go to the highest point in the state, which turned out to be in a flat plot of woods next to a rural road side picnic area...
Absolutely! Didn’t the governer just sign something allowing the insurance industry an easier time back into the state.

IIRC, 10 more insurance companies are back in Florida.

Where in Florida R U?
My sister lives in Florida and she said that the insurance companies were leaving Florida simply because of them losing big money due to the hurricanes and the company's that stayed Jack up people's insurance premiums.
For a place in Florida that doesn't get hit by hurricanes, I would look into on of these places.
Rush hour(s) start at 2:30 p.m. and end at 7:00 p.m.


Just in case you want to go out and run some errands at your leisure.

Couple pics from Ian aftermath



My sister lives in Florida and she said that the insurance companies were leaving Florida simply because of them losing big money due to the hurricanes and the company's that stayed Jack up people's insurance premiums.

Did you read what I posted above on this topic?
I’d say obviously not or your arguing on it.?
Our family owns multiple properties in Bradenton, Sarasota, and on Anna Marie Island. For me there is no place like the west coast of Florida. I hate the dirty water and brown sand on the east coast. Moving from Southern Oregon to Florida is going to be a major change in weather. Hot and Sticky unless you live near the coast and have the ocean breezes. Panhandle or west coast would be my choice if I were to live in Florida year round. That white sand and blue water makes all the difference to me.

No, you have it backwards. Been in Florida since 1973, the east coast has the blue waters. The west coast is on the gulf and the water is often times a brownish color. West Coast is also a little hotter.
Rush hour(s) start at 2:30 p.m. and end at 7:00 p.m.

Just in case you want to go out and run some errands at your leisure.

Same rush hour as New York heading out to Long Island.
Except it’s on the Long Island expressway, the 495 as well as the southern and northern state parkways, all having 3 lanes. And every other major roadway. Rt.25, 24, 27.

Sometimes in that traffic, bike riders would out pace me on the way home. I’d get off the train, hop in the car for a 7 mile drive that would sometimes and more often than not, take 35-40 minutes to travel.

Couple pics from Ian aftermath
One very very bad hurricane for sure.

How are you liking your new location Al?
No, you have it backwards. Been in Florida since 1973, the east coast has the blue waters. The west coast is on the gulf and the water is often times a brownish color. West Coast is also a little hotter.
Where are you at in Fl.?
Overall, we all can sit here and talk about the good and bad of Florida all day praising and trashing the state. This would be true of any state. With the recent shift of people moving from there home states, Florida has become a very popular state for many people.
Same rush hour as New York heading out to Long Island.
Except it’s on the Long Island expressway, the 495 as well as the southern and northern state parkways, all having 3 lanes. And every other major roadway. Rt.25, 24, 27.

Sometimes in that traffic, bike riders would out pace me on the way home. I’d get off the train, hop in the car for a 7 mile drive that would sometimes and more often than not, take 35-40 minutes to travel.

One very very bad hurricane for sure.

How are you liking your new location Al?
Funny you ask ! Beautiful country here, but the cold winters changes our mind. Like a couple dummies, we're looking to move back. Just not on the coast.
:realcrazy: :BangHead: :BangHead:
Funny you ask ! Beautiful country here, but the cold winters changes our mind. Like a couple dummies, we're looking to move back. Just not on the coast.
N Carolina is a pretty state. I have a good bit of family there.
Having lived and almost always worked outdoors, bitter cold winters of NY can be challenging at times and my hands hurt from the past few decades of turning wrench in snow storms and blizzards.

When I was getting closer to retirement, all I said was I want to live in a place that doesn’t get so darn cold during the winter anymore. This is trading weather extremes. Now, it’s the summer where it’s ether inside the AC or the pool. Beats the crud out of winter where I’m stuck inside.

Al, where ever you end up, best of luck and wishes to you and yours.
Only if you live in the big cities or along the beach.

The traffic around the beach area I noticed often has a sizable town coupled with it and that’s more traffic for sure. Getting onto the beach requires, at least by me, going through a large town or city. Melbourne is closest to me. Yep! A bit busy there. Nothing that drives me crazy though.
N Carolina is a pretty state. I have a good bit of family there.
Having lived and almost always worked outdoors, bitter cold winters of NY can be challenging at times and my hands hurt from the past few decades of turning wrench in snow storms and blizzards.

When I was getting closer to retirement, all I said was I want to live in a place that doesn’t get so darn cold during the winter anymore. This is trading weather extremes. Now, it’s the summer where it’s ether inside the AC or the pool. Beats the crud out of winter where I’m stuck inside.

Al, where ever you end up, best of luck and wishes to you and yours.
North Carolina gets hurricanes too and like Florida you get costal damage but when they move inland, they create even more havoc because North Carolina is not flat like Florida is and you get flash flooding.
North Carolina gets hurricanes too and like Florida you get costal damage but when they move inland, they create even more havoc because North Carolina is not flat like Florida is and you get flash flooding.

True, it washes out the mountain roads and creates lakes in the valleys. It’s a Noah’s ark event right…..

My sister lives in eastern Willmington very close to the Cape Fear mouth to the ocean, cousins in Raleigh and friends around Charlotte.

Hurricanes for North Carolina are a bit less than Florida. Often the coast of the Carolinas get hit and how bad it is is kind of subjective to where you live. Always more or less worse than others.

My sister has been in her house 25 years and has never had an issue that prevented her from conducting normal activities after a hurricane.

None of my inland family have had issues. I’m not and can’t speak for every part of the state like you are. Your statement is a blanket.
I should have thought about this before I posted the above.

New York, a good 1,000 miles away???? Has had cat 5 hurricanes.
Seeing the destruction of of Glory on n its flooding was crazy. But that’s not the worst! Not even a cat 4.

There was hurricane Sandy that was pretty bad, then there was Edna in 1954, there was one in the 20s (IIRC) that completely wiped out an entire town on eastern Long Island, very much like what Andrew did in Florida and it’s east to west path. Literally the buildings were gone down to the foundation. Nearly every last town member died. The town was erased from the map. Literally.

The most destructive was dubbed the “Long Island express” was a cat 3 in 1938. Agnus, ‘72, 1.2 billion in damage.
(That’s in 1972 dollars, not adjusted for today.)

If I brought this up in a certain way, it would make the Long Island area look worse than Florida. Everything‘s wording and these things worded a certain way just seems like fear mongering.
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I knew this was going to come up. Oregon is an interesting state. Most don't know that Southern Oregon is RED. While it is a Blue state on paper.

We, because of our smaller population cannot overcome the crazies in Portland/Salem. And unfortunately, it isn't getting any better. I am far from blue as you can imagine. I want to live in a state that shares my same values.
Sounds like miserable Illinois.
Chicago and Springfield themselves are blue, most of the rest of 100 counties aren't.
How 2 counties can out rule the other 100, has always baffled me.
Look at the geographic size of Chicago especially compared to the size of the whole state. Even if you add in Sangamon county, (where Springfield is) + the size of crook county (where Chicago is) combined (and nearly a couple hundred miles apart from each other) vs the size of the state as a whole, it makes zero sense as to how we have the dumb o cratic stranglehold that we do. It definitely pisses me off, but I'm stuck here, they have it so we can't afford to get out. You get a few miles out of crook county in about any direction the signs in people's yard do a complete flip flop from those in crook county.
I knew this was going to come up. Oregon is an interesting state. Most don't know that Southern Oregon is RED. While it is a Blue state on paper.

We, because of our smaller population cannot overcome the crazies in Portland/Salem. And unfortunately, it isn't getting any better. I am far from blue as you can imagine. I want to live in a state that shares my same values.

Very true of most Blue states. New York is also one of those.
Which millions in the cities, and there’s 8 million on a small island roughly 5 X 24 called Manhattan , never mind the other 4 counties that make up NYC, the country and suburbs folk don’t have the numbers to overcome.