Welding exhaust tricks.



Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2005
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Hopefully I will get some time this weekend to fit and hang my exhaust.

I have a small wire feed lincoln welder with no gas, just flux core wire.

Should I attempt to fully weld my exhaust with it or just tack it and take it to the tig man?

I have had some pretty good luck as an amateur welding but I'm not a pro by any means but I have steady hands and can run a pretty nice bead considering.

If it's something I should attempt any pointers would be helpful, thanks.
you say you can run a good bead and lets face it , its just an exhaust how bad could you possibly screw it up? I have seen some pretty bad welds come from muffler shops, so why not try? as long as it stays together who cares how it looks its under the car anyway
Ditch the flux core.....I suck with flux core lol.....argon with good wire welds great....or TIG.....
Just wing it. If the welds aren't turning out just tack.
It's not that hard, if you can reach it. When I did the exhaust, I just pictured sweating joints in copper pipe. My Craftsman 120 V welder on high was just right for not burning through the tubing. Start the bead on the outer layer of the joint so you have some thickness to work with.
Flux core welders are actually weld mild steel exhaust tubing pretty well. Prep is everything. Make sure the tubing is perfectly clean with acetone and a scotchbrite. I used to weld my exhaust systems with my old flux core lincoln when I bought my gas MIG. You can do it go for it!
Flux core welders are actually weld mild steel exhaust tubing pretty well. Prep is everything. Make sure the tubing is perfectly clean with acetone and a scotchbrite. I used to weld my exhaust systems with my old flux core lincoln when I bought my gas MIG. You can do it go for it!

Now that's what I wanted to hear.

I'll play with a few scrap pieces first and get my power and feed speed right, then I will prep it like you said and go to town on the rest, thanks.
What have you got to lose? Practice on your scrap and then get with it on the exhaust----how else you gonna get any better? Have fun...
Out of everything I've welded with mine, the exhaust was the easiest. Just make sure you just tack first then double check the fit before you finish the welds.
Flux core is fine for exhaust work, like any welding job fit the joints as tight as possable and the cleaner the better. Flux core slag cleans up pretty easily with a wire wheel on a 4" angle grinder. Good luck.

Welder did a great job, and the car is much more quiet now with the X-pipe and the thrush mufflers.
They are supposed to sound like the flowmaster 40's but they seem to have a raspy sound when I goose it but I'm just not used to such a different tone but it sounds pretty good at idle with the tinny plip, plip, plip. plip sound.

Much better than the redneck resonators I had on there.

I think the cops won't look at me so funny any more.

Next is a new carb.