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  1. Old Moparz

    The smell of a Harbor Freight Store

    Several years ago I saw this documentary..... The guy narrating traveled to the Chinese factory where the inflatable beach ball was made to see if he could find out what was in it to make it smell so bad. He was given...
  2. Old Moparz

    3 Car Garage

    Looks good so far. :thumbup: Maybe I missed it, but were you looking to get a 2 post, or a 4 post lift? The 4 post will not need as much head room unless you're lifting vans or light trucks. I forget the exact height on my garage ceiling, but I know I have almost 12' to the bottom side...
  3. Old Moparz

    Pole building vs. block and stud garage

    I was in a similar position as yourself about 15 years ago when I was in the planning stages of my garage. I can't give you current costs or square foot pricing, but I can tell you that the difference in the overall cost between a "stick-built" (typical framed building with vertical studded &...