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  1. D

    Name This Car (Not Mopar)

    I believe you've got it. Looks to be close to a 1954 Pontiac Star Cheif. Thanx!
  2. D

    Name This Car (Not Mopar)

    I'm trying to find out what model this model is. It looks Cutlass to me but not sure. Any ideas?
  3. D

    All I Want For Christmas Is....

    Gibson SG Double-neck guitar!
  4. D

    What Was the FIRST Cinema Movie You watched?

    JAWS..... around 8 years old and had nightmares until I was 40.
  5. D

    AdamR is OK?

    Poor recordings from a digital camera but you can hear my leads to get an idea: This is directly through the PA using my Korg multi-effects (solid state). These are through my Fender Stage 100 amp (too crisp solid-state) using the Korg effects...
  6. D

    AdamR is OK?

    While I agree that tube amps are the best sounding.... there are negatives: 1) Price $1000+ (new). 2) Tubes can break (often) during transport. 3) The amps are heavier and if you're playing out often it can be an issue after hauling all of the PA gear. 4) You'll need a good microphone...
  7. D

    AdamR is OK?

    Yup, that's my Gibson Studio LP. I bought it new '89. it's pretty beat now so I really don't play it. I haven't been able to bring myself to spend $2k on a guitar so I now I mostly play the red BC Rich. Similar to the LP feel but much cheaper. I've got a Fender Stage 100 amp that sports a...
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    AdamR is OK?

    I know what you mean... and I'm still hunting for that perfect Gibson Les Paul..
  9. D

    AdamR is OK?

    I recently started playing in a band again and I can feel for ya. It takes a while to get back into it and it's a bit of work/time but well worth it. I'm starting to really enjoy it again. Good luck with it! Doug
  10. D

    I'm alive

    You have a way with words! LOL!! I was having this conversation the other day but you told it best! "You would have no choice but to burn your house." Too funny!!!!! Thanx!
  11. D

    summit's web site

    I noticed this at the bottom of the web page: "Copyright 2009 by AUTOSALES, INC. dba Summit Racing Equipment | Trademarks "
  12. D

    Hot Chic

    Oh man... I fell for it too! LOL
  13. D

    You know you're a Mopar person when....

    ..when this is the wallpaper on your desktop at work.
  14. D

    You know you're a Mopar person when....

    .. when you have 3 60 watt light bulbs in one garage light and 3 40 watt bulbs in the other! and... yes, I really do...
  15. D

    Attaching pictures

    You need to convert to a .jpg (jpeg) and use a little compression.
  16. D

    Ode to an Alcoholic

    I drink beer almost every day. Anywhere from 3-6 beers. I really like beer. But not to that extent. I have known a few people who can't seem to understand when it becomes a bad thing. My half-sister, who was very close and died at 46 from an alcoholic life style, was one of them. It really sucks...
  17. D

    Working Hard on the Dart

    I'm a little bias but... how 'bout a sharp Pearl White? I think it would set that power plant up just right.