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  1. =Max Wedge=

    I post this with a heavy heart

    Very, very sorry for your loss Sir.
  2. =Max Wedge=

    Rims and parts

    Awesome, what do you think that would be?
  3. =Max Wedge=

    Rims and parts

    Hi All, Do you think there would be anyone who would be interested in these parts? (not for free) I have way too many parts and would like to find a good way other than swap shows. Thanks All,
  4. =Max Wedge=

    Grill I.D. ?

    Hi All, I have a grill that's been in the garage for a long time. It's doing no good just sitting there, I have no idea what year or what it fits. Would you LMK what it fits and year. I would like to sell it as well and like input on what to sell it for. Thanks in advance All.
  5. =Max Wedge=

    Is anybody else superstitious about finishing their restoration?

    Maybe try buying a Mopar product ..... seems like something is trying to tell you that.
  6. =Max Wedge=

    We need a food section.

    dang, I'm hungry for lasagna ..... ravioli ...... and ..
  7. =Max Wedge=

    So, let's put 1 1/4 LS heads onto a Ford six..............

    Sounds great, they (LS Head) also fit Ford 351 W and 302.
  8. =Max Wedge=

    New job

    Right On Kim.
  9. =Max Wedge=

    Proud new owner of ..

    That is AWESOME!!!
  10. =Max Wedge=

    Going in for surgery.

    Keep in touch after the surgery.
  11. =Max Wedge=

    People Who Walk on All Fours

    I think they walk like that because Covid 19 don't drop below three feet in the air, so to be "safe" they do this. Kinda like mandates, masks and shots, it for their betterment. What I heard anyways.
  12. =Max Wedge=

    GTS vs ?

    Right On, where would the vin be on the "trunk lip" Thanks MW
  13. =Max Wedge=

    GTS vs ?

    Hi All, Thanks for the help. First part of VIN is LS23P9
  14. =Max Wedge=

    GTS vs ?

    Hi All, Your take or knowledge. I'm looking at a 69 Dart GTS, it has a white strip on the tail GT Sport, and it has GTS badging on the hood and the trunk panel. What make a Dart a GTS vs GT or other? Is there some special code on the fender tag or something else to make it a GTS? TIA.
  15. =Max Wedge=

    Anyone familiar with water meters ? UPDATE

    Those things seem to charge me every month. gets expensive every year for some reason.......
  16. =Max Wedge=

    Snowstorm .

    What part are ya located? Can you send photos? Thanks.
  17. =Max Wedge=

    Anybody heard of this brand of welder?

    Who you gonna call ........
  18. =Max Wedge=

    Let's see the Tree

    Has the same Christmas colors too. :lol:
  19. =Max Wedge=

    Best weapon for Concealed Carry advise

    How bout a pistol grip shifter ...
  20. =Max Wedge=

    My new to me shack

    Future Dyno Room :canada:
  21. =Max Wedge=

    New products from AMD

    Got one, PM me with your phone number and Ill send you photos.
  22. =Max Wedge=

    Which stripe?

    Which ever one makes it faster !!!
  23. =Max Wedge=

    Craigslist jet powered VW

    Those are german words, I like to speak!!!!!
  24. =Max Wedge=

    Welding help needed

    That weld has porosity, adjust gas on it.
  25. =Max Wedge=

    A short video of our new roof

    DAAAANG !!!
  26. =Max Wedge=

    Can someone read this SP?

    time for a HEMI.
  27. =Max Wedge=

    Rockford, IL July 18-19 swap meet and informal car show

    that's so cool...........:thumbsup: