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  1. grumpuscreature

    Civil war cannon vs. Saturn

    10 pounders pack a punch. That's one of the reasons why there were so many amputations during the Civil War...
  2. grumpuscreature

    removed for arguements sake

    Actually the News and Politics forum is more civilized than the rest of the site. And that's a crying shame. How did things get like this???
  3. grumpuscreature

    For those that Skydive:

    No matter how many times I went to the bathroom beforehand, I always landed with wet pants...
  4. grumpuscreature

    Food for thought.... A man's point of view....perhaps??

    I don't care who you are, that's funny right there. Laughed so hard I forgot the one I was gonna post. Probably for the better...
  5. grumpuscreature

    Add Your Own Caption Part 80

    If I had it all to do over again, I'd still cut it off and throw it out the window...
  6. grumpuscreature

    !!emergency!! !!! Breaking national noose!!

    Left unsaid is that he now has a defense in case he is ever busted for weed...
  7. grumpuscreature

    I played with guys shafts at work today

    I hope you wore gloves since those are output shafts...
  8. grumpuscreature

    Kangaroo Fight

    Really like the ute in the foreground. Why can't we get something like that???
  9. grumpuscreature


    I'll trade ya. I have a cat that likes to sleep on the spare pillow, and fart...
  10. grumpuscreature

    For our Canadian members....

    Loved the polo pony...
  11. grumpuscreature

    when morons attack cars

    That wasn't tough,that was just plain STUPID!!!
  12. grumpuscreature


    The link to whatever tickled your funny bone is missing...
  13. grumpuscreature

    Smart vs Rustang

    Too cool for words. Check it out... WHEELSTANDING "BLOWN" SMART CAR OUTRUNS MUSTANGS!! - YouTube
  14. grumpuscreature

    chickens, ak-47, ammo and dope

    In WV you cannot marry barnyard animals. You can however, dress them any way you want.....
  15. grumpuscreature

    On her Majesties Ebay Service.......LMAO

    Now comes the classic "What were you lookin' for when you found this?"
  16. grumpuscreature

    chickens, ak-47, ammo and dope

    WTF were the chickens for? Single use sheep........
  17. grumpuscreature

    President's Day

    Out of the mouths of babes....
  18. grumpuscreature

    Snow storm

    Make sure she wipes her feet before she comes in.....
  19. grumpuscreature

    Would you...

    No thanks. The only thing green that I like on my hot dogs is cole slaw....
  20. grumpuscreature

    1966 Valiant Not For Sale !!

    And let's not forget the other girl has an automatic and A/C....
  21. grumpuscreature

    Good Table Manners

    Just another of society's imaginary problems. The whole point of sitting at the table is to shove groceries down your neck so you can make a turd. There should be as many guidelines on packing it in as there are on getting rid of it.
  22. grumpuscreature

    Frigging dog....

    Sure do and it has the added benefit of being straight off a cat turd. I can smell it and I grew up surrounded by chemical plants.
  23. grumpuscreature

    Brought a smile to MY face

    Mine too. Thanks for the new bookmark.
  24. grumpuscreature

    Woman of the Future

    Nice headlights.
  25. grumpuscreature

    How to hide Plumbers crack....

    I use plumber's putty. It's cheap, effective, and doesn't stick to the hair in your crack......
  26. grumpuscreature

    Dodge/Chevy Tug of War

    Hey, the Dodge brought him back instead of leaving him across the lot.
  27. grumpuscreature

    So much for his street cred. What a maroon...
  28. grumpuscreature

    some days...

    That canary must have been tasty.