Search results for query: *

  1. victordemise

    Oil Light-Loose Wire...???

    While setting the timing on my 273, it seems I knocked the wire loose that controls my oil light in the dash. I just found the wire (passenger side, running along the valve cover, toward the firewall) with a clip on the end, but for the life of me I couldn't figure out where it came from, or...
  2. victordemise

    Keepin' it clean

    I find I have this overwhelming urge to spray something liberally all over the inner workings of my distributor, to rinse away all that fine dust that seems to be a by-product of living out here on this 17 acres of dirt. What product would satisfy this nagging desire? All I know of is that...
  3. victordemise

    Coil hookup (pos/neg?)

    Which post on the coil does the wire from the distributor go to? Usually the post, and the connector ring on the wire, are notched at one pole so it can only go one way, but mine can go either way!! So which goes where? (Just because it has been running the way it is don't mean it's right, or...
  4. victordemise

    How to replace points?

    Without going into my exact problem, how does one go about installing new points? I just had it done as part of a general tune up, but after about a month, I'm having problems and I suspect the points (or would like to replace them so I can STOP suspecting them). Maybe someone knows a website...