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  1. SirDan

    Temperature control cable?

    I need a new temperature control cable for my 73 dart with a/c. I cant find anyone who sells one. Can someone point me in the right direction? I put a used one on a while ago and it doesent work worth a damn. I have the heater/ac box out now so id like to get this working.
  2. SirDan

    nuts on firewall for heaterbox?

    There are some nuts on the firewall (engine side). Are these for the heater box? This is a 73 a/c car. the nuts are behind the heater box so i was thinking they might hold it in? I was going to eventualy take the heater box out and put the heater core in and get the door working. Rite now...
  3. SirDan

    Stock a/c to sanden compressor?

    I've got a full 73 small block A/c setup that was in my car and not working. the stock compressor is huge. I was thinking of going to the sanden compressor. bouchillion has a bracket for 86 bucks. The more i look at it the more I am thinking it...
  4. SirDan

    hot/cold control cable

    mine broke so im trying to swap it out. i got it off at the controls but i cant figure out any good way to get to the other end. also how is it clipped on at that other end? this is an a/c car. any tips, tricks, advice or pictures would help ALOT.
  5. SirDan

    smoke from the heater core?

    smokes coming out of the vents on my car. i saw the heater core was leaking just a tiny bit the other day. i know it needs to be changed but is that why its smoking?