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  1. mitch340Duster

    ? for AVS rebuilders

    Thanks for looking. I'm rebuilding my first AVS and it's going real well except 1 thing. 1970 Duster 340 automatic N95 car, carb #4937. Factory Service Manual page 14-54 refers to a "discharge check needle". The diagram from the carb kit calls it a "pump discharge ball or needle". I'm saying...
  2. mitch340Duster

    1970 AVS N95 question

    My 1970 duster 340 automatic N95 car had no top end of the motor on it when I got it so I've had to piece everything together a little at a time through the last 6 years of restoration (never again). I just took the carb that I bought from that auction site some time ago off the shelf to start...