120mph crash....



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Damn.......[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4PjSVOnrVg"]120 mph (192 km/h) Crash Test - YouTube[/ame]
I can see things like this every weekend on german highways....

Even a Mercedes S-class collapses completely, cars are wrapped into pieces.

The passenger have no chance - all you can do is take a sheet and cover them...

I saw an accident, a Mercedes ML rushes into the end of a traffic jam, with full speed (roundabout 135 mp/h), and he egalized 4 cars before he looses speed.

A thing I never want to see again...

I suppose the results of two cars colliding at 60 mph each would be approximately the same, and that's a far more realistic possibility.
Like I said a crash like at high speed and you can kiss your ^ss goodbye. dont think it would matter if the person had lap belts, 3 point, or a harness bar with 4 point belts. They are dead. Nothing will safe you in a wreck like that. :butthead:
I was wrong in what I stated about stiff arming the steering wheel only. I think you would have to Straighten your legs and lock your knees. Also close your eyes tight so they don't pop out. If all of this is done at precise impact you should be OK. At least I know I would be and they would need a new test block.
I was wrong in what I stated about stiff arming the steering wheel only. I think you would have to Straighten your legs and lock your knees. Also close your eyes tight so they don't pop out. If all of this is done at precise impact you should be OK. At least I know I would be and they would need a new test block.

LMAO... on a roll today... :cheers:
Yeah some crashes there isn't much that can be done yet NASCAR and the NHRA seem to do pretty good with their safety records and they use no air bags, lol..the fans in the grandstands might be another story, ha ha

Air bags are not the answer, IMO..even the 2014 cars still say not to allow children in the front seat due to risk of death from the air bags, well if its not safe for them ???? U don't see air bags being used in backseats either--just side air bags, those MIGHT be helpful ?

The death rates went down from the 1970's for many many reason, everybody wears safety belts, alcohol limits went down, cell phones report crashes in seconds, roads are safer with more traffic lights and left turn green arrows..you gotta wounder if all that have been around in the 1970's what the death rates would have been back then ? In the 1970's U could drive at .08 and have no seat belt on and be 100% legal to drive, and many folks did that...Impaired driving did not start till .1 and drunk wasn't till .15...today .17 is "super drunk" in some states.

Helmets would do alot of good and many motorcyclists wear helmets yet even the police today don't wear helmets when driving cars ? Somethings I don't understand, maybe helmets when driving a car will catch on again someday.
You know. I've tried and accomplished everything in life I ever wanted to.
I think I'd like to try that just for the experience. It's just a matter of which car to do it in.
I like when the dude says "We've shown you the strength of the Smart Car in a collision..."
Their test was against an angled barrier. The Smart Car happens to just crumple in a more realistic scenario, front offset...
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKSPxQjPOm0"]Mercedes C vs smart fortwo - Crash test compatibilitÃ* IIHS, Sicurauto.it - YouTube[/ame]
You know. I've tried and accomplished everything in life I ever wanted to.
I think I'd like to try that just for the experience. It's just a matter of which car to do it in.

And after you do it, I bet you won't have the guts to do it again.

I suppose the results of two cars colliding at 60 mph each would be approximately the same, and that's a far more realistic possibility.

Not true. Mythbusters visited that one. proved two cars going 60 crash its like going 60 into a barrier. Not many people can say that they survived a crash at 120 because the sudden decceleration of your internal organs cause them to look more like the shredded beef in your tacos tonight.