1966 Valiant Signet Convertible Resto

Hey Dave,

I saw the your car at the Spring Fling '08. Very cool ride. Here's my $0.02. Before you completely tear the car apart take it to see Tony Jones at Cypress College. He was my instructor for Paint and body repair back in the day. He is very knowledgeable and can give you pointers. Also a high school classmate is an instructor there as well Dan Snook who back in the day was a Mopar guy. Regardless I would consult either guy and get their best advice before preceding. Maybe even paint it as a project. You could throw my name around, but I doubt it would help.

DO NOT STRIP the car yet. Most quality painters will want to see the car before it's bare metal. Tony always told me the best paint jobs are better painted over the factory paint. FWTW. Peace and good luck...
Thanks for the heads up. I'm going to chill out for a little while on this car and see what I can find in my area as far as painters go before anything.

I have a bunch of spare panels from my parts car.....doors, fenders, hood, and trunk lid that I might do some practicing on while I'm on hiatus from the Valiant.

In the meantime I've been looking at quality paint guns. I may get a quart of PPG black and do a BC/CC on the spare hood and do some experimentation. If it turns out really really good then I may do it myself using an all PPG system. Besides, it will be fun and it might take my mind off the Valiant a little.

Thanks again. Don't worry guy I'm hanging in there just fine
Holy ****.... I don't know what to say. I know what you've gone through to get this far and now THIS!?!?!?! Wow. My initial reaction would be pure rage. Especially considering the money and time involved while getting jerked around. Looking at that picture of the paint LAYING ON THE GROUND in big sheets gives me chills.

I still can't believe what you posted. Wow...
I saw your car @ Spring Fling

A good paint shop that i know of is Paint & Place in Yorba Linda / Placentia....but its $$$$$$$.
After talking with JohnnyDart this morning I may be at the back of the line for his painter. I can't wait to see his dart. His painter is going to stop by the house one day soon to check out the damage and see what can be done before I do anything to it.

Now if I can only find enough to keep me busy for a another 6 months or so. Oh yeah there is the 68 I can tear into for some fun.

Thanks guys you are my mopar family

hang in there dave. your patient will pay off. you have an awesome ride and its worth taking some things back off to get a GOOD paint job.

keep us posted.
Well Dave if you need some help let me know or give me a call. I personally wouldn't let the "painter" touch your car but that's just me. You got to see my car & that paint job is 14 years old & it still looks new. If you have room in your garage, its very possible to paint your car in there. I painted my friends 69 cuda in his garage & it came out with great, it's been in 2 magazine's. Like I said if you need any help give me a call, Russell
Dave, rlk's car looks AWESOME for 14 years old.

Yes, I was checking it out at Spring FLing. I cannot believe it's 14 years old.

Dave, I feel really bad with what's taken place with the Valiant. I know you have been thinking about taking a break and possible working on the '68. I also know you were interested in the quarters off of my '68. Why not take a weekend and drive up the coast and come over and cut them off so you will have something else to focus on for awhile. Of course, in return, I am going to have to request a 2 liter of Coke Zero (that's my standard fee these days). ;-) Actually, if you come up, we can get the local FABOers together for a BBQ.
I've had a good little break from the car, but I can't leave well enough alone. Got a new hotrod to play with and I ended up doing some work on the Convertible over the weekend and today. Spent alot of time cleaning the garage too. It was a mess. Still have a ways to go on that too.

ANyways, don't they look like they are going to play nice together? :love7:


Have no fear Johnny Longgone. I'm back on the convertible. I have decided to haul it to the media blaster this Thursday. The doors, fenders and trunk lid will come off at the blasting shop. They are going to soda blast the car, wash the car down with a neutralizer, then use garnet to give the bare metal some texture. Then they will lay down 3 coats of BLACK Valspar epoxy primer. BTW Valspar is who makes House of Kolor paints, so it is really good stuff. These guys did my hood and the ppg basecoat of blue that's on the underside of the hood now is on there like cement. No adhesion issues there.

Oh yeah, no need to warn me about the soda blasting. These guys really know what they are doing as far as prepping the car and neutralizing the soda. Plus they really clean the piss out of it. I know about the paint companies (PPG, Dupont, etc) not approving soda, but that's just them covering their own azz'z. It really is a nice process if done properly.

I will have an absolutely clean sealed canvas for the bodywork. I will be doing all the bodywork myself with high quality products. No fuc king around with cheap shi t and bad prep techniques. :thebirdm: I'm going for it full tilt, just like I did on the rest of the car.

Knowing me (not trying to be arrogant) I really think my paint will come out 100% better than the asss hole that had my car last and wasted almost 2 years of my time. I have 2 little parts to pick up from him and I'll probably never speak to his dumb azz again except for when I show him the paint job I did myself in my garage. Should be better than anything he's ever done in his entire life. The prick still thinks it was old product. What a moron!!! So this is a little bit of a rant but I'm fired up after this weekend of scraping a thousand dollars worth of paint and a hundred hours or so of my own time. He's lucky I didn't sue his azz.

Rant off. Back to my baby.

Here's what I did this weekend and is what got me even more fired up. I scrapped the whole car down to the most adherent level. This is not saying much really. What I found under the self-etching primer was a major eye-opener. There were tiny little specs of red oxide under the etching primer. My paint would have been toast after a few years with bubbles everywhere and rust. This dipshitt couldn't even do this part right. Just goes to show you that etching primer can start doing damage pretty quickly. Epoxy is the only way to go nowadays. There's no reason to not use it unless you are cheaping out. This is a total blessing because I will now have a very very solid foundation that I probably won't have to worry about even if I screw up painting the car myself. At least my mistakes can be fixed much easier than having to strip the whole car to bare metal again. Sorry the rant came back on. LOL.

Observe all the levels of screwed up paint.




Here is how she sits right know. I pulled the dash and windshield out today and wrapped the motor in plastic and put down canvas drop cloth to keep out the blast media. The engine bay paint seems to stick which is pretty amazing to me right now. I just couldn't see pulling to motor out. That was pure hell the first time getting all that stuff to fit. I can live with the engine bay the way it is. I still need to pull out the front seat and change the wheels. She be picked up on Thursday and should be back in a week. This time she'll be in black epoxy primer. Hell I could do the whole ratrod thing for a little while if I wanted. LOL.


So guys, I'm back in the saddle and ready to for round 2. :blackeye:

Stay tuned.
Horrible to see what you're going through with the paint on your convert,but things aren't all bad, got yourself a nice little distraction there with that red valiant. Nice to see someone from FABO picked up that car from silentj, it looked like a screaming deal, sorry to see he had to sell it though. Have fun with it. Good luck with the convert,makes one scared to get a paint job!!!
Dave, she looks a hell of lot better than before nimrod got his hands on her. Where are you taking her to get stripped at & how much is it gonna cost ya if you don't mind me asking. Like I said if you need any help give me a call, Russell
Glad to hear that you decided to start all over again with the body.
Can`t wait to see your Valiant finished.
It`s just awesome.
Dave, she looks a hell of lot better than before nimrod got his hands on her. Where are you taking her to get stripped at & how much is it gonna cost ya if you don't mind me asking. Like I said if you need any help give me a call, Russell

Thanks Russell, I'm sure I'll probably be calling you at some point. I'm actually headed out to the garage right now to swap the wheels off the car and remove the front seat.

I'm taking her to http://anacapasodablasting.com/info.htm They are located in Oxnard.

Strip the car to the bone $1200
3 coats epoxy primer $800
miscellaneous masking if needed etc. $100-200

The owner said a little over $2000 for everything depending on the amount of masking they have to do. I did much of this myself already.

I'm excited. They did an awesome job on the hood. They had a spider in the shop the other day and they really do get down to business. No warping on the flat panels either. I think this will be money very well spent and will help speed the process and save my back from a lot of aching.

I post some pics of the shop and the journey of the vert later today.
Glad to hear a positive turn in the thread, Dave. Keep us posted on the progress.
Car got picked up today. They'll start working on it Monday and I should have it back on next Friday. Back in Black :supz::supz:

glad to hear its going to be in the right hands to give her the finish she deserves. cant wait to see when its all done.
Good news! Can't wait to see more photos of the progress.
Got the car back today from the media blaster. They finished it last Thursday. It's all epoxy primered and they did a fantastic job. They left the lead filler intact. There are a few spots they didn't blast on purpose but it won't take much to get them done and epoxy sealed. Once the filler is done I'll hit it with a sealer coat of epoxy and then start with the 2k primer and blocking.

It will probably take a few months or so to get the whole car blocked out and ready for base. I'm just going to go one piece at a time. No rushing.

The pictures you see are epoxy over bare metal. no filler. I didn't really notice how straight the car was the first go around. I really like the black primer because you can really see the little dings with a little water sprayed on the car. Guidecoat will come in handy.





Hope to have my spray guns this week. I ended up going with quality tools, the Iwata LPH-400 LV and LVX and an Iwata primer gun.

I hope to be a spraying fool in the next few months.
I am so glad to see things are going your way
again and moving forward.:cheers:
Sorry if I have not posted here but
when I seen the paint falling off.:tongue9:
I was at a quite state:sad6:
You have a pair of happy valiants Dave, :cheers:You sure have been busy and getting the vert dun correctly, It was a sad day here when I seen the paint fall off her.
You have it going in now bud=D>=D>
Keep on Keeping on.
Anything else you want to tell us Dave........:tongue3:

Looks awesome ! They did a great job.
Things are looking up !!!!
Anything else you want to tell us Dave........:tongue3:

Looks awesome ! They did a great job.
Things are looking up !!!!

uhhhhhh. what are you talking about :bootysha:

Maybe a little later I'll devulge that little (big) mishap.