1969 Dodge Dart GTS 440 - Slight Hesitation Upon Starting


Lord Sparky

Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2019
Reaction score
Carlsbad, California
Recently, upon turning the ignition key to start the car there has been a one second moment of silence before the starter turns the engine over and it starts. Does not happen every time and if I turn the key the second time the engine starts immediately. 3 year old ignition switch and battery. There is also a hidden button that I have to push/hold when I turn the key to start the car. Could it be the starter relay starting to go bad?
Recently, upon turning the ignition key to start the car there has been a one second moment of silence before the starter turns the engine over and it starts. Does not happen every time and if I turn the key the second time the engine starts immediately. 3 year old ignition switch and battery. There is also a hidden button that I have to push/hold when I turn the key to start the car. Could it be the starter relay starting to go bad?

That could actually be any of a few things.
Battery connection
Ign switch
Wiring connectors
Those would be the most likely.
All of the above items and a good ground from engine to firewall.