1970 Dart 2door rear driver side glass



Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2012
Reaction score
Lakeside Oregon
I got my new piece of glass set but still having a hard time getting the rear bolt that holds the glass back in, is there any way to lower the whole system down to get the bolt into view or do you just have to feel for it blind and hope to get lucky?
I feel for you, I have taken this glass out of parts cars and always wondered how you would ever get it back in. Good luck !!!
you have to roll it down to get the back bolt in, it is a pain in the *** but just get it started, then roll it back up and there is a hole where you can stick a socket through
When rolled all the way down the back bolt that holds the glass is still conceled behind metal, I was able to peek in and see it well enough to get a small socket on it and get the bolt out without having to look, once your hand and socket are in there you cant see it anymore but I got it out. No matter where I possitioned the window up or down,that back bolt never lines up with any of the holes in the body panel for easy access, when the window glass is seated on the rail you cant see the hole for the bolt do to the glass being in the way, and once you reach back in there with the bolt in hand there is no way to see it at all, just going by feel is the only thing I've been able to do. Makes me wonder if these were assembled before the interior wall was welded to the body, I took every bolt out of the whole assembly to see if I could get the whole rail system out with no luck. I'll get some pics up if I cant get it started, I was considering giving my 1yr old a nut and bolt to practice with then have him reach in there and get it started for me :)
On that 70 Dart. Can you tell me how you got the glass out?
It's not easy but with the window down you can peek in at an angle through the biggest access hole and see the bolt head enough to get a very small ratchet and socket on it 7/16 and break it loose but getting it back in is a blind battle so far, It' doesnt line up with any access holes and you have a bolt with a rubber washer and a rubber sleeve to keep together while you fumble blindly trying to line it back up with the glass in place.
i had my car completly dissasembled, media blasted and painted, keep in mind i didnt dissasemble it so i dont know how it came apart. i am almost complete with the car now and i can honestly say the hardest part about the whole build this past year and a half has been reassembling the quarter window mechanism and installing it, hell i even broke a window trying. post some pictures of what you are trying to do
sorry no pics yet but I'm just trying to get the back bolt in that goes through the glass with a rubber washer and the rubber sleeve, I'll try to get some pics up if I cant get it lined up, and for the life of me no matter where I roll the window up or down I cant seem to line it up with an access hole. If all else fails there is goin to be an after market access hole ;) as I'm not worried about value damage i just want it to work.