1971 gas cap help???

There are 2 different diameter fuel filler tubes which will determine which gas cap use use. Unfortunately I dont know under what circumstances what tube was used. I believe it has to do with California emissions or a certain modle year change over perhaps. I know my 71 Scamp (Cali emissions) used a larger diameter car that I had trouble finding the correct cap for.
ok thanks yea ive heard that some caps had 2 or 4 prongs on the back of the caps im just looking for the right cap for my car. trying to get it back to factory original also if anyone knows were a 1971 340 manual transmission carb. is i might be interested. thermoquad carb number i believe for 71' manual car is 4972 thanks again, ryan
The side you showed is correct for a-bodies from 67 to 76, but it's the back that determines if it will fit. I have seen (and probably have) 4-5 different prong configurations from the various years. I still can't find what I need half the time. 2 or 4 prong was only the half of it, the depth of the prongs also differed. If I get a chance some time I'll photograph all of my caps and compare them. The bad part is I don't know what fits what. If it helps, I think you can change the prongs with two screws from the caps to make one work in case yo had a dented one or something, or one the right color.
Put it on and see if the raised rib handle is straight horizontally when tight,if it is I'd say you have the right one.If it's not or doesn't tighten right up you gots the wrong one
There is also the issue of whether the gas tube is attached to the quarterpanel from the inside or if it slips thru and attaches from the outside.
I had to get a new gas cap for my 72 Swinger (Autozone), and had to move the tube to the inside to make the cap fit flush with the body.
Not resto correct, but its all I had to work with.
Has any one ever checked to see "hands-on" whether or not

the hinged gas cap assembly from a Dodge Challenger would fit

without any big-time body work? Always wanted to know!

(The next time we're at Year One in person, we'll carry one out

to the parking lot and "eyeball" what would be required to use one.)