1975 snake pit duster.

thank you for the more inspiration. Valerian. i tried to get it out but i have bben busy lately
have you dug the car out yet? just wondering what it looked like.
I feel the same way when I see and old car in a field or yard going to waste, Im like, surley it can be saved. I talked to a guy at a Music City Mopar event years ago who had a 64 65 somthing Dodge ( been toooo long ago ) an awsome car, that I do remember ,anyway he said his cars was being used for a goat house with doors proped open so they could get in and out. And the creek come up ever so often and flooded the back half. So as this guy and ValerianMagnum has proven, its possible to bring one back from the dead. with lots of money..... and a little more money.....maybe a little more money, and lots of time. good luck with what ever you decide.