2003 SXT Neon



New Member
Jun 23, 2013
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Grove city ohio
Hopefully someone can add some insight.
My niece has a 2003 Neon SXT and the motor went out in it. Her boyfriend just installed another motor an now the tranny wont shift. He is telling her that the tranny is bad and that's what caused the motor to blow. I find this hard to believe. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!
Why do you find it hard to believe? Do you suspect he doesn't know what he's doing? If the trans. didn't shift out of low or even second gear and she ran it down the highway screaming the engine at who knows how many rpm's it could have trashed it. To be perfectly honest your asking a question that's completely out of the league of a lot of the guys on this board because this is a classic car board. I'm sure some guys here know newer cars but 99% of what's talked about are old muscle cars. I know old transmissions but nothing about the new stuff. But I do know that if you run any car at hwy speeds with it in a lower gear it sure isn't good on the engine. Hope that helps
In my area you can get a nice, 2003 Neon for $3000.

To me that's a better option than doing an engine and transmission replacement in one.
I had one of those cars. try putting new speed sensors in the transmission. $20 a piece give or take if you have someone who can do it for you. if that doesn't fix it most likely the pigtail on the output sensor has been tampered and needs to be replaced. which was the case on the 03 sxt neon I had. pm if you have more questions
Change both speed sensors in the trans and see if it shifts then..........


Drive the car when it's 1st started and cold, see if it shifts thru the gears, then while in 4th gear floor it to see it kick down and then go into limp mode, which will be 2nd gear only and if so then you need to hope and get lucky it's one of the 2 speed sensors.
Most girls never seem to notice that the trans went into limp mode