3 years in a depression



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Nov 11, 2006
Reaction score
Kindersley, Saskatchewan,
I really really just know what to say. Kim





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Someone I know Unfortunately. Never been to her place b4. We are cleaning it out for her. She is a 75 year old lady. We couldn’t of imagined it would be like this. The stench is unbelievable. We cleaned there yesterday for 6 hours each. She had an inspection yesterday. She/we have till the end of the month to clean it up. The land lords must be pretty nice ppl to not have sent her packing. The reason she got the inspection was because new renters moved in upstairs and complained about the stink. Kim
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I used to have rentals and I have seen worse mainly from government subsidized rent. It just is unimaginable how some people live. Sorry for you buddy-good luck
That's what you call a garbage house. The stench from those beer cans alone would be too much.
Hopefully you can get it clean and take care of the smell. Sad people fall into depression live like this. A 75 year old woman drank all that beer?? Hopefully you can get some $ for the aluminum, could really add up! Good luck and hope she gets some help.
Wow. That's a colossal mess, sorry you or anyone else has to deal with it. I hope the lady gets some help, she for sure needs it. And not just the drinking but the hoarding mess. When you get it all picked up and discarded, you might want to try a product called Urine Digester. It's for disinfecting and cleaning up the smell for anything that is organic based not just urine. I got mine at a janitorial supply store. It comes in many scents, lemon seems to work the best in my opinion. I've used this stuff several times and it really does work. It may take a couple of applications though. For a really bad mess I had to mix it up and use a pump sprayer, like you'd use in the garden.
It creeps up on you. My father in the later years of his life when he was still living alone saved everything. The spare bedroom was packed with empty oatmeal boxes (neatly stacked with lids), empty milk jugs (rinsed and neatly stacked), empty cereal boxes with the lids neatly closed and stacked, piles of newspapers all neatly bundled and tied with string. When he passed on, my brother and I decided a rolloff box was the answer. Fourteen rolloff boxes later we were done.
Wow. That's a colossal mess, sorry you or anyone else has to deal with it. I hope the lady gets some help, she for sure needs it. And not just the drinking but the hoarding mess. When you get it all picked up and discarded, you might want to try a product called Urine Digester. It's for disinfecting and cleaning up the smell for anything that is organic based not just urine. I got mine at a janitorial supply store. It comes in many scents, lemon seems to work the best in my opinion. I've used this stuff several times and it really does work. It may take a couple of applications though. For a really bad mess I had to mix it up and use a pump sprayer, like you'd use in the garden.
Thanks Zach. Kim
Good on yall for doing that. Not enough people on the planet good enough to do what yall are doing. I've done it before myself for someone......and I was depressed at the same time....never been like THAT though. Makes me thankful for "where I am" even though I still ain't right. ......but we all already knew that. lol
That's a real shame, I lived that life. Now I'm on the other side, hopefully she can find some good in life to live a better life.
That's very kind of you Kim, you're a good soul.
Has a taste for the good stuff I see! None of that pussy Natural Lite stuff.
We all have problems..... It's my reminder when people think they have it figured out that something can invade your mind and life changes. Good on you to get in there and put the work in and not judge..... The mind and it's complexity.... The good news is she can retain a place to stay and she has people putting the work in to help her.....

Wow! And kudos for helping her get that cleaned up. Hopefully she can get the help she needs. If you’re a believer, share the Word of Christ with her. Took me to bottom out and dang near die before I took Him seriously.
These Ozone generators are awesome at killing the stink once you get the place cleaned out and washed down.

Creates Ozone Gas that seeps into every nook and cranny of the home. Goes after the oder causing molecules and breaks them down.

Need to have the property vacant when you use it.

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It creeps up on you. My father in the later years of his life when he was still living alone saved everything. The spare bedroom was packed with empty oatmeal boxes (neatly stacked with lids), empty milk jugs (rinsed and neatly stacked), empty cereal boxes with the lids neatly closed and stacked, piles of newspapers all neatly bundled and tied with string. When he passed on, my brother and I decided a rolloff box was the answer. Fourteen rolloff boxes later we were done.

If he was like my parents they came from nothing and that's the mentality. Especially the still living Depression era period in this country. That was a tough time....

Here is an example the the Ozone Generators you can buy on e-bay:



They work good, run them for an hour. Then let the place sit for 4 hours and it is pretty much neutralized after that ready for human access again.
Works off the same theory as the way Lightning Strikes create Ozone during a rain storm, clean fresh air afterwards.
Its unimaginable what a person is going through to let it get that far. Much respect to anyone willing to step up and help.

my friends son was looking at a house to buy,same idea but far worse. Renter turned off electricity and put a chimney through window for a woodstove. Floor to ceiling garbage bags and a path to the recliner where he slept. That guy was just crazy though.
Wow that's sad. As an alcoholic myself I know how easily and how fast it can consume you. I hope she gets the help she needs. And at 75 I hope her liver isn't done.