318 Heat Riser to be or not to be



May 4, 2015
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After initialing thinking the annoying rattle I was hearing was do to the broken exhaust hanger I have/had, it now appears to be the heat riser making all this noise. The question is should it be removed or repaired/replaced. I live in Florida so starting on a cold day really isn't an issue. During some research I see some folks have welded them open or removed them. Thoughts. Comments. Suggestions. Thanks.
My experience, my dads coronet 318 needed core plugs so I told him let's pull it and re seal when we do core plugs. Pulled the intake and engine was NASTY inside. Full rebuild. Machine shop calls says hey intake is cracked on bottom of heat cross over. This sets the wheels in motion. Checked passenger exhaust manfold, heat riser is frozen forcing all exhaust from right bank to left thru heat cross over. Need less to say we removed it and welded shaft holes shut.
Cut that thing out and weld up the holes and never look back. Unless you are driving in really cold weather it's just a drag on your car that will do nothing good for your engine. I live on Puget Sound in Washington state and all my Darts have the heat riser cut out and welded up. You sure don't need it in Florida!!!
I lived in FL. I cut mine out. Left the shaft in there but cut the flap. Then I moved to NJ and even in the cold, the engine started and warmed up just fine in the winter. I did buy a car from a guy cause the heat riser was stuck shut. He though is engine was bad so he sold me the car for cheap. I then found ouut about the heat riser. removed it and the car ran fine. So, I wouls vote to cut it out also.
When I pulled my factory manifolds off, the heat riser valve was open just enough to slide an icecream stick thru flatwise...& with the blow by from that old engine, all the exhaust smoke seemed to be forced out of the breather cap and up through the steering column tube!