360 Crankshaft Questions



May 22, 2005
Reaction score
Calgary Alberta
Hey all

Some more questions but this time they revolve around the crankshaft (very poor pun, sorry).

#1. Is there a big advantage to changing from a crankshaft with a 3.58" stroke to 4"? On the surface it appears yes but opinions please.

#2 Is it a big deal to switch to a 4" stroke crankshaft? I realize it affects other parts I buy with the engine rebuild kit but again opions from the experienced please.

#3. What is the big difference from a forged crankshaft compared to a cast one. Is the forged one stronger/lighter both? As I am not racing the Dart am I OK to stick with a cast one?

Thanks again everyone.
from a seat of the pants feel the torque and HP feels like it doubled (I've never dyno'd one to know but Im sure someone here has. Is it worth the expense ? If your not into racing then I would say no. Is it a big deal ? It involves all the steps of a total rebuild so you decide that. For me no its no big deal but I do this kind of work all the time, if you do something else for a living then it probably would be a big deal.the difference between forged and cast ? I 'm not sure about weight but if there is a difference i wouldnt think it to be enuff to warrent a change for that alone.The big thing with forged is strength and the higher the rpm the more important it becomes. If you just want to build a hot street engine a cast crank will do just fine up to 6000-6500 rpm if you plan on twisting it more a cast crank will have problems if you do it much. It will do it but at some point it will make you pay .