440 source stroker crank pulley alignment issues.



Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2010
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indianapolis indiana
I installed the timing chain and lower gear and cover installed. The crank damper and when I went to line up the crank pulley with the water pump pulley it was set in a 16th to an eighth of an inch in farther than the stock. 440 crank. My question is would there be any issue to make a spacer to slide on the crank that would go up against the lower timing gear and then put my balancer on and makeup the distance that is needed to line the pulleys up. Here is a picture of the crank. Any ideas would be appreciated.

as much as I don't want to recommend the guy, for personal resons, Rick Ehrenberg sells spacer kits on Ebay.
Is that a spacer that goes on the outside or a shim that would go on the crank in first and then the damper goes on. Here is a picture of what mine looks like

Yes I know but none for a supercharger setup. The pulley on the water pump lines up with the alternator, but the lower pulley sets towards the motor 1/8 of an inch too far
This is what mine looks like. I didn't know if I could get a spacer and put behind that pulley or get a shim and slide on the crank and then put that balancer on to make up the difference


Are these on this page what you’re looking for? Personally I don’t see shimming damper out as being a good idea but I’ve never dealt with that kind of issue myself.

Crankshaft Pulleys-440 Source
I seen those ones. One of them is a 16th of an inch and the other one is an eighth of an inch. I'm not sure if it'll work with my bolt pattern
Yes I know but none for a supercharger setup. The pulley on the water pump lines up with the alternator, but the lower pulley sets towards the motor 1/8 of an inch too far
be very simple to make a spacer just for the pulley itself , I ran one for a while, till I found the right pulley for my set up ...
be very simple to make a spacer just for the pulley itself , I ran one for a while, till I found the right pulley for my set up ...
And my post number six. The bottom picture. Do you see how my crank hub has that small raised lip that the pulley goes on to kind of keeps everything together or centered? I'm not sure how these other spacers will work except for something that would slide on the crank and then put the crank hub on. It's kind of confusing why it went on. So far it worked on the stock. 440 crank
After measuring looks like I need 3/16. So that's 187 thousandths...I found spacers that are 0.93....so I think two will work...... I still don't know why it's different than the stock. 440 crank it lined up perfect with that crank
I do not, just make sure the fasteners are the proper length and properly torqued
Thanks..... I think I'm still going to call 440 source and ask him if that's a common occurrence because I was thinking that the stroker crank and the stock crank dimensions on the front part of the crank would be the same.....
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After measuring looks like I need 3/16. So that's 187 thousandths...I found spacers that are 0.93....so I think two will work...... I still don't know why it's different than the stock. 440 crank it lined up perfect with that crank

3/16'' aluminum ...........
It doesn't say where the shims are still or aluminum. I talked to 440 source. They said it should be the same as the stock. 440 crank the stroker crank is cut the same but for whatever reason it went on farther and misaligned my belt. But he also said that's a shims will work no problem
Did the OP install the oil slinger?