


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2005
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I'm think of buy a 67 4 door Dart, it's got a 318, automatic.
I've only seen it on the inter-net. but I've talked to the guy a few times.
price at this time is under 2000.. The body is so/so.
So what you guys/ woman think.
Getting a car you are interested in, and v/8 ready is worth allot in it's own! is it a driver,is it a good titel car,how much rust and what location is the rust,if any.is this a factory v8 car.what options on this 67 car. there is alot to think about, I myself am looking at a 4 door car as a good griver and a sleeper 66 coronet.lol gtdart
I've only talked to the guy a few times by phone, he advised me it's got 90,000 miles floor boards kind of ruff. It was running a few months ago but possible gas is frooze. but tell from the internet picture it's got a pretty nice front body wise. The guy told me the trim is great, the glass is good, fenders are good no rust. interior blue.
The car might be a dore car for my wife's car and mine. We both have 67 Dart's, her is a GT/v-8/ 4spd. mine is a v-8 auto. We both need odds and ends, most hers due to the fact her was miising a few parts.
how far will 2000 go on part{ods and ends} 4door sounds a little high,I agree with oldvart,A two door could be found with more useabel parts, make a list, and check it twis, and then you can find out, if the 4door is noty or nice.l0l memike :book:
How about,if i said the price is around 1500. Where can U find a two good fender, hood,a raditor, trim, glass and other bodie parts that are hard to find here in this State I live in, without traveling out west or way down south. Ye, I would love to find a 67 2dr dart for about 2000.or less that isn't full of rust and still had so good parts to donat. You guys got to remeber, its got a v-8 possilbe a 727 and 8 3/4 (Thats wish full thinking on that).
I did do some research and on some of the 67s and they did put 318's in some of the 4drs.