63 Dart column bushing



Former Dart owner
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
I just recently purchased a 63 Dart 4 door. After checking the steering for play, the coupler needs rebuilt. Getting the parts for that but I noticed the bottom of the steering column tube only has a rubber cover on the end but no bushing. Is there suppose to a bushing on the engine compartment side of the steering column tube? I would hope so but I can't seem to find any part numbers or parts related to this. The car has a /six 225 with pushbutton tranny. I am planning on working on this over the winter and would like to tackle the steering issues first. If anyone can point me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it. And while I'm at it, how about a part number or source for the top column bearing as well?
I think I found what I am looking for. The part number is 266738 and is a rubber cap with a hard nylon center. Hopefully this is the right part. If anyone has different info on this part, please let me know.
I don't know what the part # is but your description sounds correct. There is a guy that makes a delron insert that gives actual support, as I think the only thing that the rubber one with the nylon center does is keep stuff out of the column.
Ma Mopar didn't deem it necessary to put a bushing in the end of the column. The rubber cap was it and about all it will do is keep mice out of the column. Not sure you need support at the end of the column since the steering shaft is pretty solidly mounted to the steering box input shaft.
Thanks for the info. I do have the original rubber cap but it does not have the nylon center in it. I wasn't really sure if a busing was suppose to be there but it seemed newer models had them so I thought I would try and find out. I also got a newer style coupler that fits the bigger spring of the 66 and newer rebuild kits. I believe this coupler will work on my 63 since my spring was rotted away and couldn't be reused if I had to. The bump on the newer style spring will not fit into my original coupler body. Besides the newer style coupler using a roll pin as opposed to a pinch bolt, this should work right? The pin and shoes from the newer style coupler are the same size with only the seal being larger to cover the bigger coupler body for the spring and of course the steel cap is larger to go over the seal. If there are any safety issues in changing the coupler style, please let me know. BTW the way this is for manual steering.