64 Barracuda Headliner

Dec 26, 2006
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I am thinking about attempting to remove the headliner from my parts car to use in the finished car. The headliner is in good shape. However, I am afraid to try to take it out for fear of tearing it. Any tips? Has any one put their own headliner in?
Or... is there any one in the Chicago area that comes recommended either to uninstall reinstall, or even some one to install 'new'.
And... can you recommend where to get the closest to real thing new?

Thanks for your help,
You can get them new on feebay for about $60. If you want to remove and/or install it properly, remove the windshield and rear window, and all the trim along the sides.
I had to reuse mine because no one makes a replacement in gold metallic, pictures are to big but feel free to email me and I will send them to you, I did it by my self. The windshields need to be out to do it right, but they come out easy. When you take it out have a seamstress re-sew all the seams. Take it out and clean it in the sun let it dry and sit in the sun so it gets nice and plyable.
Thanks for your responce. The car is currently at the painter's. There is no glass in it at all. basically it's a shell, so the first thing that needs to go back in is the headliner. What's the quality of the feebay headliners? I've seen them listed... but...
I went to Automotive Restoration Specialists (here in Canada....they just import everything) and her headliner was almost $200 and she guaranteed a material/colour match. I said to myself "screw that, I'll get one on ebay" and it's the same material but slightly darker colour red...but who can tell!? I wasn't going for a show car or anything.
Dave it really depends on the color and weather it is perforated or not. All barracudas I think are. If you are going with a solid color you should be fine. If it is a metallic you will have trouble. Easist is black of course!
Thank you again!! The Headliner is perforated and red. I am anal enough to want it to be show quality.
