65 Barracuda quarter window pics needed



Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2007
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it’s been over a decade since I removed them from my car. I’m at the point of needing to reinstall them. I have the new “cat whiskers” installed on the outside ..... should there be another seal on the interior ?

If anyone still has their car together I sure could use a couple good pics of the interior and exterior of the quarter windows of a 65 cuda....
A lot of time has passed and my memory is not what I thought it would be... lol
it’s been over a decade since I removed them from my car. I’m at the point of needing to reinstall them. I have the new “cat whiskers” installed on the outside ..... should there be another seal on the interior ?

If anyone still has their car together I sure could use a couple good pics of the interior and exterior of the quarter windows of a 65 cuda....
A lot of time has passed and my memory is not what I thought it would be... lol
PM me a cell number or an email and I'll snap a few shots tonight when I get home.
When I parted out the 65 I had, I think there were catwhiskers on the inside
The "catwhisker" on the interior side of the rear quarter windows is a fuzzy lined rubber "belt". This piece does NOT have any kind of metal backing.

Some catwhisker kits do come with this rubber belt and others do not....

If you do not have these belts in your kit, they are available separately...part# GZ-AS990028, 1964-66 Barracuda, 1/4 window flocked rubber inside quarter window belts...$38.00 pair
it’s been over a decade since I removed them from my car. I’m at the point of needing to reinstall them. I have the new “cat whiskers” installed on the outside ..... should there be another seal on the interior ?

If anyone still has their car together I sure could use a couple good pics of the interior and exterior of the quarter windows of a 65 cuda....
A lot of time has passed and my memory is not what I thought it would be... lol

I can get some pics of my son's 65 tomorrow...
Thanks fellas for the replies...

I now know what I need... closnuff sent me pics

Rick, Did you folks ever get the hing covers in stock for the rear trim ?