65 craigslist find 3500 in columbus

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I actually went and looked at this car a few months ago. It needs floors in it and is not as solid as the owner thinks. Good news is I believe it can be bought alot cheaper than what he's asking. I believe at one time he had the price down to $1500
I've never seen this car in person, but the previous poster is right that it's been on and off of Craigslist for quite awhile and the guy hasn't had any luck selling it which tells me there's a problem. I first remember seeing it late last summer, and yes the price has fluctuated all over the place.
Dont get me wrong, it is worth saving. It could be a nice car and it was all there just needs work. I believe the spring boxes in the back were rusted to. It would make a great drag car canidate.
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