70's Disc Suspension Thread



Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2005
Reaction score
Zephyrhills, Florida
Is there a thread with photo's that leads members through a front suspension rebuild or freshening for the early 70's Disc fronts?

I could really use the knowledge from yooose guys.............

I've been working my way forward on a project car, and finally to the front suspension.........Lots of overspray from a previous restoration...have to clean and paint, etc.... and I'd like to freshen things up while I'm in there.........It's fairly tight already, but I see a few problem areas I'd like to address..............

I'm just plain tired of watching my dollars (by the hundreds) go to garages that for the most part take advantage of any classic owner that comes through their doors..........

Any good photo threads? :read2:
got a digital camera? make your own photo thread! take pics of EVERYTHING while it is still assembled and in sequence as you disassemble it. that way you have a personalized reference as to how it goes back together. Don't be intimidated by it, disc brake setups are really simple, everything can be done with hand tools or a small air setup. just take your time and take PLENTY of pictures, more than you think you will need. if you get stuck someone here will surely help you out. plus you will have learned it on your own and the next time it needs to be done you will already know whats up. again, don't be afraid to do it on your own, its all just nuts and bolts anyway.