71 Scamp 340 4 sale

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Dave, No regrets. I think I need some time away from building cars. I wont buy something else for awhile. I was going to pick something else up but nothing in my price range jumps out at me. Just burned out I guess. The car will be gone by the end of the week.

I used some of the money to replace my wifes 94 Jeep. Shes wanted something with more room for the kids for awhile so we went and picked out a clean mini van for her. Shes excited and Im happy to be able to get it for her. The rest will go to bills and the savings account.

I'll still hang out here though. You cant get rid of me that easy. :toothy7:
Great. Right after I build a new motor and buy a TTI exhaust you have a yard sale....

WTF dude??? I hope your back in the (Mopar) saddle again soon. That Scamp was a sweet little car. And as for wanting a 4 spd. just cut a big F`in hole in the floor and bolt one in. That's what I did.... ;-)
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