72 Dart frame rail repair?



Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2022
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I have a 72 Dart with a rusty, holy left frame rail, master cylinder was leaking for a long time it seems.
I was wondering what everyone was using to fix the frame rail,a cap or something else.
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Mine was rusty in the usual spot where it turns upwards. I just cut and ground out the rust and fabricated some plates for the side and bottom and weld them in. You can buy caps for $250 - $350.
I have a 72 Dart with a rusty, holy left frame rail, master cylinder was leaking for a long time it seems.
I was wondering what everyone was using to fix it, the cap or something else.
Pictures would be nice. It really depends on how widespread the rust is. For a small section just making a couple of patches may be more than enough. For a more widespread issue it might be better to replace the whole rail. With rust it’s usually a good plan to consider that there’s at least twice as much as you see.

The caps are kind of problematic, you still have to cut out all the rust and work back from clean metal. If you just throw a cap on over the rusty rail, it will continue to rust behind the cap and at some point that unseen rust will come back out and bite you.
I have a 72 Dart with a rusty, holy left frame rail, master cylinder was leaking for a long time it seems.
I was wondering what everyone was using to fix it, the cap or something else.
you could reseal it but to be honest a new cylinder is pretty cheap so not worth the effort :poke::rofl: