73 dart vinal top



Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2007
Reaction score
Macon Georgia
hello has anybody ever replaced the vinal top on their car? how hard is it and a quick how to would be great thanks
its not too hard of a job especially if your a tall person.......i cleared the old top off and re-painted the top not just primer bcoz in case any moisture gets in there....i have seen cars rust out under the vynil before so i completely painted the top and after is was set i sanded the paint with 600 grit to completely scuff the paint. masked off the car the was not getting vynil.....then you make sure to mark the center points of the top to make sure its centered perfect....fold it in half at the center and glue one side at a time.....pressing it completely.....kinda time consuming...take your time..its not going anywhere.....and then the final and kinda tricky part is triming the ends bcoz you dont want to cut it short and you dont want to cut the paint.......not cutting the paint dosnt seem like a big deal but it can cause later problems ...believe it,....ask me how i know... but all in all a well trained ape can do this job so i would say it fairly easy if you take your time.