73 Swinger 440 project

Looks like I might be striking out on pulleys, thanks anyway to the guys that have pm'd me trying to help. Anyone used the 1/4" crank pulley spacers that AR Engineering makes that Mancini sells? It doesn't look like they have the little snout to center the pulley and they are thick enough that the pulley would be forward of the little snout on the balancer that centers it, are the bolts going to keep it centered enough that I won't have problems?
Power steering installed, "custom" exhaust manifold back on after some repair work, engine is running super rich, looks like I have some tuning to do. With the car on jack stands the car is trying to turn right unless I hold the wheel. I turned it all the way both ways a couple times, I will do more when I can pull the car out of the garage. Anyone seen this before? Will it work itself out when the air is out of the system or is there an adjustment that needs to be made, or is the steering box garbage?
Little update - Not too much progress, but I did manage to get a Holley Red fuel pump used for cheap from someone on FBBO. It is plumbed in, block off plate installed, power wire run from pump to the front. Will likely finish wiring in the relay this weekend. Still haven't made the adjustment on the steering box, but that will be soon. Then back to work on window gasket surfaces, wiper assembly, dash installation, then windows. Progress is very slow at this point, but doing a little at a time when I can find time and motivation.