833OD rebuild Qs



Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2006
Reaction score
orlando FL
I'm going to be rebuilding my trans in the next couple of months and have some questions regarding what needs to be replaced and how to tell whats damaged.

Symptoms are:
1. Generally noisy (rattle, vibratons)
2. Crunching 1st and 2nd and really hard to downshift
3. Leaks around shift levers

I know that a bearing/seal kit will take care of symptom 1 and 3 and new synchros will fix the crunching.

I don't think I have the luxury of pulling the trans to do a complete tear down then order the parts.

Q1. Can I take the side cover off with the trans in the car and be able to tell what else needs to be replaced ( this is a daily driver )?

Q2. Is there anything that I should look for specifically that is a common issue that would cause a lot of noise other than bearings? ( like is it common for 2nd gear to be damaged or something like that? )

Q3. What are the "replace while it's apart" parts that I might as well do when I open it up?

It's a long tail, aluminum body truck OD.
You can pull the cover off with the trans in the car but you will hate life reinstalling it. I would plan on ordering all new synchronizers and bearings. Check the bearings between the input shaft and the output shaft/ the one with all the gears on it.Watch out they will go every where when you pull it apart. Don't remove the intermediate shaft unless it feels sloppy and you have a lot of patients getting all the bearings back in it. Also plan on installing a new tail shaft bushing. My transmission always got stuck in 2nd gear i tried to rebuild it using 2 transmissions into 1. That was a bad idea don't try it.:read2: I ended up having brewer performance build me a regular 4 speed with the oversize input bearing so it would bolt up.






Yikes, The carnage in there looks scary. I do have a fair amount of patients

I plan on getting:

Does that seem like all of the parts I'll need? Should I get the synchronizer keys just in case or is that overkill? Sure as crap don't want to tear it apart twice.

Well, I suppose I'll pull the cover to see what I can see....
Get the keys as they were what started this whole mess.

Check the part # for the bearing and seal kit. I'm pretty sure there is a different transmissions in the later trucks than and the a 833 OD.
In addition to advice above, I would replace the countershaft inner shaft. When this wears it throws every thing out of alignment. Use wheel bearing grease to hold the needle bearings in place and it should go together fine. Replace all roller bearings and output bushing while it's apart. Also check for wear on the front bearing retainer where the throw out bearing slides. Should be good for a long time then.
Well, I did the rebuild over the new years holiday and all went well.
The synchro's were pretty beat up along with the tail sleeve.
The bearings were not noticeably thrashed but what a difference now that they are all new. Nice and quiet!
I did replace the 3 lugs in the 1-2 sync assembly but the ones in the 3-4 assm looked ok. The cluster gear inner shaft was fine, just barely shiny in the places where the needle bearings ride. The thrust bearings were worse off and did show some uneven wear.
The odd thing about the overall condition was the amount of destruction on the reverse gear ( some of the gear points were chipped ) I did put new faces on them with a dremel ( what a pain that was with calipers and a template to keep them all the same and straight ) Not that there was any problem with reverse before...but....
Anyway, Just thought I'd post a follow-up.