904 kickdown,need help!!!!



Bad Fish 65
Dec 19, 2006
Reaction score
west palm beach
Im in need of a complete kickdown for a 273 1965 barracuda with a 904 tranny.If anyone has one will be glad to buy.Thanks to all
Have you considered a lokar kickdown cable? I got mine from ebay for 55$. Buy it now price. I think he is still selling them.
As long as you aren't trying to do an authentic 100 point restoration, a later style kickdown linkage will work. You may have to massage the upper bracket slightly due to the head bolt angle difference on the early 273 heads, but no biggie. A complete kickdown from a local junkyard should cost far less than 50 bucks.
I had bought a kickdown from someone called doctor mopar for my 273 ,i installed it and later on found out it was from a 1965 fury,its never kicked down,seems that on mine the linkage snapps on to my carb,on this other one that i have it has a spring and what looks like to be a slide that goes over my carb housing.Either way i cant seem to get it to kick down and to me it seems that its shifting to soon.2 nd gear around 8miles and 3rd around 20.Any help will be appreciated.
The kickdown cable works fine. I dont have the luxury of finding one in a boneyard, up here in the Vancouver B.C. area there are not many carbureted vehicles left. The kickdown levers on ebay were going for as much as the cable.-