A bad day.


Coyote Jack

Member #55, I'm old
FABO Gold Member
May 22, 2004
Reaction score
Baxters Corner N.B. Canad
I finally got everything ready to start sandblasting the Demon. I started at about 10 am. It was downhill from there. It didn't take long to figure out I didn't have enough silica sand. I made the made dash to the sand store. Can you believe it. They didn't have any left. I talked the guy into calling his competitor. They had some but were closing in 5 minutes. I told him I would get there as fast as I could, but it was about a 10 minute drive. I hammered the gas and made it in 7. OK, I now have enough sand. I get back to the garage and start again. I finally say enough is enough. The eye and nose protection is giving me problems. The goggles are fogging and I can't see what I'm doing. I come up with a new plan. I get some nose and mouth masks and use my ATC helmet and visor. This works better as far as seeing what I'm doing but the breathing leaves a lot to be desired. I work with it anyway. Next the nozzle gets clogged somehow. Figure that problem out and install a new nozzle. I then worked for another 30 minutes or so and burned up my compressor. I spent the rest of the day trying to find another compressor. I finally tracked down my brother at supper time and I will borrow his commercial one first thing in the morning. All in all, a rather useless day. I didn't even get one corner of the car done. Maybe tomorrow will be better. :cry: :cry: :cry:

Wow.... sorry to hear about your day! I've been there enough times recently to know how it feels. Tomorrow will be better.
As for a temporary solution my advice is to grab your significant other, have a glass of wine, and have a nice plate of red meat.

The sawing of the knife through flesh is rather therapeutic after a day like that! :thumleft:
Keep your focus man and keep thinking of the end product. Crap Happens so roll with the punches
What a day. How many beers do you have to have to get over a day like that?. Don't give up what ever you do, stay focused and look a the big picture.

I can relate to your frustration. I run a processor, and one morning at 7am my turbo blew up. Mechanic came and had a replacement on by noon, only to find out the gasket between the turbo and the intake was wrong. 5hrs later i meet a courier with THE gasket to get everything together. The only thing I missed out was the 3 hrs travelling i do each day. Just another 15 hr day.

I always tell myself "It doesn't matter how crappy my day has been, someone somewhere else is having an even worse day".

Good luck Todd
Its420 said:
I always tell myself "It doesn't matter how crappy my day has been, someone somewhere else is having an even worse day".

I might be that guy today!

I spent 4 hours this morning sitting in a court room waiting for my brother to be araigned for a DWI he got picked up for last night.
onehellofadart said:
Mikel that sucks. :(

Tell me about it.

The dumbass 1) made a right on red, with a cop behind him and 2) blew a .16. The cop pulled him over 3 houses away from his place. He said he'd been following him with his lights flashing for over a mile. Then he spent the whole night locked up (they bagged him at 1 AM), I didn't get a call until 9:30 this morning.

Now he's lost his license, which sucks for him since he drives for a living.

Good thing he didn't hit anybody or anything!

Well, altough I started later than I really wanted to. Today was much better. I will post pics in a day or two. All I can say is, sandblasting is the way to go if you can stand the dust. I would like to shoot the guy that put a 1/4 inch of rust proofing on it. (although it probably saved the car from rust oblivion)

73roadrunner; It is going to be bright red with the factory strip kit on the sides, tail panel and the curved ones on the hood. All matte black

Its420; I don't know how many beer it takes. I had a 16 pack and it wasn't enough. LOL

Mikel; After hearing about your brother, my day doesn't seam so bad after all.

To the rest of you, thanks for the words of encouragement. I just keep telling myself how good this Demon is going to look when it's done.

Coyote Jack said:
Its420; I don't know how many beer it takes. I had a 16 pack and it wasn't enough. LOL

A 16 pack?

What sort of oddball beer are you drinking? :D
Its a promotional thing they do around here. By the way. I drink Alpine. It's made right here and outsells everything else put together. It's a very good Lager beer made by MooseHead Breweries. You might be able to get one of there other products there. It's called MooseHead Export Ale. I don't like it myself but others do. By the way it is 5% beer.

I was in Ontario over Christmas and drank a few boxes of Moose head, its not bad at all.Certainly better than this Kookanee eveyone drinks out here. Not as good as Molson X, my fav. Sorry to hear about your blasting troubles, man haven't we all had daze like that!