A Body 4 Spd Z-Bar Help?...



Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2005
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I have recently purchased a z-bar that was supposedly from an A Body 4 speed. It is exactly the same length as the one that I already had that was supposedly out of a /6 car. Does anyone know what the exact length, and where each of the z-bar arms come out to connect? I am working on a basket case Demon and need to find the RIGHT z bar--- I appreciate any help! Also, anyone that has a correct 4 speed z-bar for sale? Thanks~
I just cut my (supposed) /6 Zbar for my 360 Duster...

Do you want to see a picture?
According to Brewers the only difference between the \6 an sb z-bar is the length of the tube and the extra length is all on the engine side. I just cut 1 1/4" off my \6 one and it works just fine.

If you want to purchase a new one just call Brewers, they have them in stoke.
Sorry man, I could only get a couple shots today.

I've been busy with a new job and homework. I did manage to get a few shots as best I can. The auto focus did not work well so I had to use manual, hope these may help.

I'm going to try to schedule next Sunday off to only work on my car, if you need any measurements or more pictures, let me know. I'll do my best to help.