A father at 52

This is what happens when you drive too fast with your pet.

Is that the visual definition of torque? :-D

LMAO :toothy10: He even looks like buddy :-D No worries Joe :-D I am being a gracious and firm master.
I know you are Mike, I'm just giving you some grief. :)
He is doing like you said :cheers: I can just look at him when he is getting to close to my little Boggy and he backs away :-D He loves his memike :-D
I bet he does! :)
Puppies are work and I am giving him all his training I did Socket Joe, except he will not be put on a run line and has a kennel I am almost dun with.
He and I walk to the road on trash days together on a leash and I am very happy with his open eye's and ears. Yep!! I am in love again bra :-D
It seems that when a pet passes, a piece of your soul goes with them but only to come flooding back into your heart when you get another. 8) Yes Mike, I agree that having an animal with these "super senses" that dogs have can be a life saver. Merlin and Maxi always alert me to someone or something coming up from behind. It's like having eyes in the back of my head.
Blessing and her big pink nose says hello!

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Hey, Memike
You do understand, don't you, that once a Boxer decides to allow you to live with him, you are stuck with the cutest, ornriest, lovable, stubbornest, brilliant, stupid a#&hole ever right? Cause if you don't understand that, You'll never figure him out!

Come to think of it, I'm on my sixth and seventh one now, and I haven't figured any of them out any way.

He is great looking, though
Hey, Memike
You do understand, don't you, that once a Boxer decides to allow you to live with him, you are stuck with the cutest, ornriest, lovable, stubbornest, brilliant, stupid a#&hole ever right? Cause if you don't understand that, You'll never figure him out!

Come to think of it, I'm on my sixth and seventh one now, and I haven't figured any of them out any way.

He is great looking, though
Thank you Topless Shark :toothy10:
They make for good company and it's good therapy for me to be around stubborn friends and family, It give me a good feeling of giving :toothy10:
Yep I do know and I will be by his side the rest of his life learning from him 8)
My second one :happy10:, But first Male, He will be a pup for a couple years and that give's me even more time for training that all males need every day. Thank you :happy10: