A lake....



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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Just went to pull the bike out of the hole I stuff it in when I have the trailer in the garage. Was not the customary drip of oil, more like a small lake. Put it up on the jack to take a look, the bottom of the oil tank is dripping and the one side is wet. A while back the battery moved forward and shorted out into the oil tank. It melted the tank a bit, enough to thin it out at the area were contact was made. Thanks to the vibrations of a rigid mounted motor there is now a crack in the oil tank....Got to love hot rods....if it aint one thing it is another....Time for the JB Weld....Damn it.....
that sucks! Hopefully you can get it clean enough that the JB will hold and fix it!
Covered things up with towels and had at it with the brake clean. Going to replace the oil tank sooner or later, it is black right now and would like to keep it that way....Course now there is oil dripping everywhere :banghead: but such is life.......At least I will not have to worry about the bottom of it rusting :D
When I go to put the new shocks on it over the weekend I am sure to be cursing the mess that is under there.