A little early for these

Thats a big ol' NOPE for me!
Last rattle snake I ever dealt with was sunning itself on the hardball at Ft. Sill OK. I made a point to run over that SOB!
Hell yeah they will. I had one come after me in the middle of the street in Florida.

I mentioned my Brother lived in Louisiana for awhile, and he told me this.
He was looking for a spot to fish from at the base of a dam and saw 4-5 of the snakes sunning on the rocks by the water.
He picked up a dried up tree branch he said was about 12 feet long and poked one of the snakes with it.
After that the snake literally jump off the rock and came straight at him with barely enough time for him to turn and run.
Jumping from boulder to boulder across the face of the dam, that snake was right on his tail for a good 100 feet before it stopped chasing him.
That's what he told me anyway.
Jumping from boulder to boulder across the face of the dam, that snake was right on his tail for a good 100 feet before it stopped chasing him.
That's what he told me anyway.

Doesn't surprise me at all, they are aggressive water ropes.
Hell yeah they will. I had one come after me in the middle of the street in Florida.
when I was growing up we took great sport in shooting cotton mouths w/ our 22`s. They were thick, even in the big pond that we had a diving board in, they never bothered us. Maybe we had put the fear of GOD in them ! LOL
In this day and age, what you REALLY have to watch out for is the Copper headed green rattler moccasins! Them dang cross breed snakes are mad at the world.....lol. :eek:
when I was growing up we took great sport in shooting cotton mouths w/ our 22`s. They were thick, even in the big pond that we had a diving board in, they never bothered us. Maybe we had put the fear of GOD in them ! LOL
Yes I used to wade down the creeks back in SWGa and try to be real quiet, shot cottonmouths off tree branches and the bank, if I woke them, in the muddy water they went. I was always told they would not bite you in the water.
Wrong. We were swimming in the big creek on day, and a kid got bit on his big toes by a cottonmouth..
Fortunately I outgrew all this kind of sport.
when I was growing up we took great sport in shooting cotton mouths w/ our 22`s. They were thick, even in the big pond that we had a diving board in, they never bothered us. Maybe we had put the fear of GOD in them ! LOL

When I was 14 we visited some relatives in Missouri that had a farm. My Cousin said let's go swimming in the Pond. Was swimming and saw a Snake and freaked out My Cousin said that's a Cotton Mouth, just stay away and ignore them.I got the Hell out of the water and never went in again.