A New Friend


Bad Sport

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Legendary Member
Jun 12, 2010
Reaction score
The Wolverine State
The strangest thing happened this morning (Thursday) bright and early. Looked out at the back of the property and there was a young deer walking around. Grabbed a couple of carrots and the Grandson and wouldn't you know it, he made a new buddy.

This is the real deal, live, untamed deer right out of the wild. Pretty awesome.


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That's funny!
I was washing the cars one day a few summers back and a finch was sitting on the wet ground near us. My son went up to it and started petting it's head. It sat there for 2-3 minutes then flew off. We managed to get it on video. Lots of laughs after that!
That's awesome!

The village[less than sixty people] I live in is great for that sort of thing, deer and elk walking around town all winter. My dog has a Fox buddy that stops by for a snack and a sleep over once in a while. And we had a Barred Owl hanging out by our garage for nearly a month last fall. Living in the country is amazing!
Oh dear...

that's cool!

I've only been able to get 10 feet from one for 10 minutes by my house once. Then a big buck started watching us from the back yard. When he walked away, she did soon after.
Around here it would be unuasual for it to let you get that close to pet & feed it. The older ones will venture close but, the fawns are quite skiddish.