All I can say is WOW.

questions like this are easily dispelled when taken to a level of absurdity.

I've seen pictures of dragons, and if you watch some terrible reality tv, i'm sure there's an episode of monster hunters looking for dragons.

So then tomorrow i wake up and i find a dead bird in my patio that's been ripped to shreds. Due to the fact that i've seen pictures of dragons and some fat people hunt for them. Should i conclude that a dragon killed the bird in my patio?

replace what i said with angels and "killed the bird in my patio" with "stood around at the scene of an accident while EMT's saved a girl"

People believe in angels, and the notion of dragons is "crazy", but they have the exact same amount of evidence for their existence.(actually maybe more for dragons if you look at cultures blah blah blah)

after reading ALL of your posts in this thread your avatar now makes sense to me........
A good thread basically trashed for no reason. You can't say studies have shown prayers don't work.. So studies have shown my deepest personal thoughts spoken or not to God can be proven to have not made a difference... That can't be proven, you simply don't know what the outcome may have been without the prayer, or God's hand.

I am a Christian, I believe in God, I worship him. I have seen him act in my own life, saving me from certain death. I have seen him open my wife's womb for 4 wonderful children after doctors/specialist have said she will not have children, period. You can't study a prayer. My God is awesome, he can be your God as well and I won't try and cram anything down your throat but I can say with all certainty you will profess his name and recognize him as the Lord of Lords and king of kings, the alpha and omega and I honestly hope it will be before it's too late.
A good thread basically trashed for no reason. You can't say studies have shown prayers don't work.. So studies have shown my deepest personal thoughts spoken or not to God can be proven to have not made a difference... That can't be proven, you simply don't know what the outcome may have been without the prayer, or God's hand.

I am a Christian, I believe in God, I worship him. I have seen him act in my own life, saving me from certain death. I have seen him open my wife's womb for 4 wonderful children after doctors/specialist have said she will not have children, period. You can't study a prayer. My God is awesome, he can be your God as well and I won't try and cram anything down your throat but I can say with all certainty you will profess his name and recognize him as the Lord of Lords and king of kings, the alpha and omega and I honestly hope it will be before it's too late.

this is for the religious people (if you are atheist just ignore this, it's for us to know)
Prov 26:12
Do you see a person wise in their own eyes?
There is more hope for a fool than for them.

I hope God blesses that young woman and her family, and the priest who prayed for her on that day, and for the rescue and medical personnel.

Nice story, Rob.
this is for the religious people (if you are atheist just ignore this, it's for us to know)
Prov 26:12
Do you see a person wise in their own eyes?
There is more hope for a fool than for them.

I hope God blesses that young woman and her family, and the priest who prayed for her on that day, and for the rescue and medical personnel.

Nice story, Rob.

this is for the religious people (if you are atheist just ignore this, it's for us to know)
Prov 26:12
Do you see a person wise in their own eyes?
There is more hope for a fool than for them.

I hope God blesses that young woman and her family, and the priest who prayed for her on that day, and for the rescue and medical personnel.

Nice story, Rob.
awesome, well said

Hail satan. lol

Seriously, though, I'm glad that some peeps, regardless of religious beliefs do come to aid.

I'm an atheist. I don't care, either way. I can't argue with Magnumdust's points, I have my own belief, but without getting into my views on religion, I think it's a good idea to help those in need.

I pulled over for an accident that I saw take place, once. Turns out, I wound up being a key witness to homicide.

I pulled over after I saw a Dodge Caliber veer off and crash through a chain link fence at about 11 at night, coming home from my mom's.

I looked up from my phone after dialing the police and saw someone else get out of their car and approach the wrecked Caliber. I thought he was helping. Turns out, he shot her in the shoulder, causing the accident and got out of his car to finish the job.

I bolted back to my truck, threw it in reverse (still idling) and put distance between us. Got to bed at about 6am, he left the scene, spent the night at the police station ballistics and questioning as a key witness.

Divinity? No. Sick "God" if so, to spare my life and allow brutal, cold blooded murder to another.

The point is, though, I'll still stop and help someone out with an accident, because I don't believe in living by the laws of fear, no matter if it comes from a possible gunman or a God. I'd urge anyone to help in any way they can (tell victims to stay still and not exit vehicles, call police, etc.) but BE SAFE.

With that said, if you're a catholic priest in a burning car, I might lend you a hand and scorch my arm hair. Just remember that, the next time you feel like painting atheists as bad people.

For what it's worth, one of the nicest, funniest friends I had, who passed away at 28 about two months ago, due to her bronchial disease, was a Satanist.

Show some respect for PEOPLE, regardless of belief. You don't have to like their ideals and they don't have to like yours.
I don't think atheists are bad people. I think magnumdust is a jerk. See Dave, I never posted this as a "believe in God" kinda thing.

You can be an angel, I can, anybody can. Where magnumdust went off the road was thinking I was referring to a supernatural being with wings growin outta its back. Do I believe in those? Yes, but that's for another discussion.

Anybody can be an angel for anyone. Have any of you ever donated to a person's help thread on here? You were an angel. Ever helped someone on here solve a problem? again, you were an angel. See what I mean?

But magnumdust has to come in with a chip on his shoulder assuming that he understands why I posted what I did. I posted it because it was a feel good story.

Dave, you're ok. I got no problem with you. You know how to express yourself without trying to sound superior.

Some people just have to throw the piece of candy on the ground and dirty it up for everybody. Those are the people I feel sorry for.

So, my ignore list has one more person on it. magnumdust, it's no loss for me. I never liked you anyway.


Hail satan. lol

Seriously, though, I'm glad that some peeps, regardless of religious beliefs do come to aid.

I'm an atheist. I don't care, either way. I can't argue with Magnumdust's points, I have my own belief, but without getting into my views on religion, I think it's a good idea to help those in need.

I pulled over for an accident that I saw take place, once. Turns out, I wound up being a key witness to homicide.

I pulled over after I saw a Dodge Caliber veer off and crash through a chain link fence at about 11 at night, coming home from my mom's.

I looked up from my phone after dialing the police and saw someone else get out of their car and approach the wrecked Caliber. I thought he was helping. Turns out, he shot her in the shoulder, causing the accident and got out of his car to finish the job.

I bolted back to my truck, threw it in reverse (still idling) and put distance between us. Got to bed at about 6am, he left the scene, spent the night at the police station ballistics and questioning as a key witness.

Divinity? No. Sick "God" if so, to spare my life and allow brutal, cold blooded murder to another.

The point is, though, I'll still stop and help someone out with an accident, because I don't believe in living by the laws of fear, no matter if it comes from a possible gunman or a God. I'd urge anyone to help in any way they can (tell victims to stay still and not exit vehicles, call police, etc.) but BE SAFE.

With that said, if you're a catholic priest in a burning car, I might lend you a hand and scorch my arm hair. Just remember that, the next time you feel like painting atheists as bad people.

For what it's worth, one of the nicest, funniest friends I had, who passed away at 28 about two months ago, due to her bronchial disease, was a Satanist.

Show some respect for PEOPLE, regardless of belief. You don't have to like their ideals and they don't have to like yours.
after reading ALL of your posts in this thread your avatar now makes sense to me........

Prob not, because the avatar is a pic I ran across awhile back. That genius was protesting against a decision to uphold the constitution. By removing the 10 commandments from a government building.

There is something hilarious about an insult geared at someone's intelligence and it's mis-spelling a simple word
I would respond to RRR post but obviously pointless since he feels that the best course of action for responding criticism is to stick his head in the sand.

All I did was make logic criticisms towards a story where undue credit and magic was applied to person. If doing so makes some feel like they are being talked down to, then I'm afraid they will have that happen a lot and my objections are the least of their concerns.
Bump. I can see he responded but since I have him ignored now, I'm not going to get sucked in. Just bumping this so everyone else can see this person rarely has anything of any substance to add to this site. Always looking for conflict or to purposely hurt people. Mean.
There is a member here who's screen name is GuzziMike, I'm sure many of you are familiar with him. He's an atheist, and I'm a Christian. During a couple of religious arguments that neither of us actually took part in, I posed a question to Mike, the interchange went something like this (paraphrasing):

Me: Mike, I don't care that your an atheist, do you care that I'm a Christian?

GuzziMike: Nope. Not at all.

He and I participated in plenty of discussions regarding news, politics, and religion, and never had a cross word for each other.
Right. I have a friend I've known online for about 10 years now. I met him in the old forums, Frankie. He is from Ann Arbor. He's very liberal and an atheist, but we have a lot in common still and remain friends today. In fact, I send him the occasion Bible verse to read (hoping to turn him around, LOL) and he always reads it. But that's how I do it. I don't ride him about it. It's like, "hay dude, read this if you have time" and he always does. He does drop the occasional "zombie Jesus" joke and it's all good. He's 75 now. I kinda hope I get through pretty soon. lol He's been married over 40 years to his wife......a devout Catholic. We just have a mutual respect for each other. Some people just don't know how.
There is a member here who's screen name is GuzziMike, I'm sure many of you are familiar with him. He's an atheist, and I'm a Christian. During a couple of religious arguments that neither of us actually took part in, I posed a question to Mike, the interchange went something like this (paraphrasing):

Me: Mike, I don't care that your an atheist, do you care that I'm a Christian?

GuzziMike: Nope. Not at all.

He and I participated in plenty of discussions regarding news, politics, and religion, and never had a cross word for each other.

A man secure in his belief systems. He stated more than once that a true atheist isn't bothered by religion.
Thank you for the uplifting story... The poor girl was on her way to school to better herself and got hit by a drunken looser the came over the center line and hit her.. She was minding her own business and was just driving and someone almost took her life... Now I ask you who really give a sh-t who did what at the accident seen. GOD spared her and it is quite obvious that her work is not done here. As for magnumdust the sign you hold in your avitar applies to you. And in the future when someone has a good story dont reply and when they have a prayer request dont put your stupid *** comments in. You have made yourself look like an *** now you have to live with it. I dont care what you believe in and you dont care about anyone so... There is an old saying if you dont have anything good to say shut the fu-k up. Or something like that..Lol And I know that some day every knee shall bow and confess that Jesus is Lord. And You will... You say you wont but trust me you WILL..Have Good day...Bill
Right. I have a friend I've known online for about 10 years now. I met him in the old forums, Frankie. He is from Ann Arbor. He's very liberal and an atheist, but we have a lot in common still and remain friends today. In fact, I send him the occasion Bible verse to read (hoping to turn him around, LOL) and he always reads it. But that's how I do it. I don't ride him about it. It's like, "hay dude, read this if you have time" and he always does. He does drop the occasional "zombie Jesus" joke and it's all good. He's 75 now. I kinda hope I get through pretty soon. lol He's been married over 40 years to his wife......a devout Catholic. We just have a mutual respect for each other. Some people just don't know how.

...and that's how it should be done.
Thank you for the uplifting story... The poor girl was on her way to school to better herself and got hit by a drunken looser the cam over the center line and hit her.. She was minding her own business and was just driving and someone almost took her life... Now I ask you who really give a sh-t who did what at the accident seen. GOD spared her and it is quite obvious that her work is not done here. As for magnumdust the sign you hold in your avitar applies to you. And in the future when someone has a good story dont reply and when they have a prayer request dont put your stupid *** comments in. You have made yourself look like an *** now you have to live with it. I dont care what you believe in and you dont care about anyone so... There is an old saying if you dont have anything good to say shut the fu-k up. Or something like that..Lol And I know that some day every knee shall bow and confess that Jesus is Lord. And You will... You say you wont but trust me you WILL..Have Good day...Bill
Prob not, because the avatar is a pic I ran across awhile back. That genius was protesting against a decision to uphold the constitution. By removing the 10 commandments from a government building.

There is something hilarious about an insult geared at someone's intelligence and it's mis-spelling a simple word

wrong spelling? anyway.......why do you hate so much? you should just come out of the closet.