am i nuts



Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2010
Reaction score
jacksonville fla
i have been tweaking on this car of mine for a while i am talking weeks i carry a small screwdriver in my pocket at all times timing light in backseat for easy access and i never seem to be totally satisfied with results after 5 hours sleep last nite i was taking carb apart again i am no mechanic so i seem to redo a lot of things i have tried to do before but as of right now car is turn key fires right up ,no pedal seems like it has more power and i am happy for moment is this strange behavior or what i just cant seem to stop messing with it but one thing for sure i am learning something everyday fire away guys
Welcome now walk toward the light. Here have some koolaid. I think it is natural to constantly want to tinker.
I think it completely normal, I do that too...wait a minute...Maybe we are all completely abnormal?? lol
dont worry you do it all just right :) only way to learn things is by doing them and sometimes one can learn alot more from redoing things over and over again than one would learn from getting it right the first time anyway:)