Another day in the life ...



Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2009
Reaction score
Carrollton, GA
Just wanted to ***** a little. Why is it every time you start to feel comfortable you get hit in the head by something else? I picked up my car Monday after 5 weeks of interior everything was great. Tuesday I fill the tank park it in the garage and I am smelling gasoline. The tank is leaking for a bend hold in the CENTER of the tank. Then I find Antifreeze on the floor board of the passenger side. It is dripping from the heater box. Damn heater core went out. After I got it pulled I decided to test if I could find the leak. I run clean water in and it comes out dirty as hell. Well if it is dirty in the heater core its probably dirty in the Radiator. So now I need to flush the radiator. AHHHHH what else can happen.
I call that the Midas touch-everything I touch turns to ****. We all have that from time to time I think and it is just your turn. You got to remember these cars are pretty old.
It will pass onto somebody else soon enough.
" what else could happen " don't tempt karma, it a bad bad thing
LOL At least ya guys know what I am feeling. I love working on the car but I also LOVE NOT working on the car. Its like the fixer upper house. Its awesome to save the money but gah the amount of work it takes and constant work.
I know how you feel. Being an over the road trucker, I usually have a list of things to fix when I get home. Plus trying to squeeze in the important projects(Sons BMW, My Dart, The Front Railing, Recording my 1st CD). It can seem unending for sure. The trick is to be thankful for all the great things you have starting with food and shelter and a good family. The rest is just the cream on top.
Being an old car is like being a husband!

.................somebody (wife)is always finding something that needs fixing.

OwdKasd believe me I am thankful for the basics. It just seems as soon as everything seems to be going good it all comes toppling down. I am caught up though. I got my tank yesterday and put a coat of undercoat on it last night and this morning. The heater core was changed last week and its all good. Tonight I am going to try and pull the tank clean the strap and put it back. Stupid question but I though I saw somewhere to torque the tank strap down. Can anyone confirm that by chance?
Someone once told me that if you throw enough money at it you are bound to win eventually. Well, I still find that a little sarcastic but true. I feel your pain brother. Hang tough and don't let the car win. Jerry
Remember it's just a machine,as much as you show it love it may turn and bite you. Don't let it beat you. Show her who's boss.
Remember it's just a machine,as much as you show it love it may turn and bite you. Don't let it beat you. Show her who's boss.
Hang tough and do what you can, when you can.
My dad was bitchin about his boat being a POS one time out a a lake because it wouldn't start or run.
I told him "Dad, the boat floats just fine and it just engine issues"
He replaced the motor and it's his favorite boat now.

Point is that you have it and it can be worked with.
At least you didn't blow your engine....

That is what else can go wrong.