Another ebay what to do?



Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
I purchased a turbo action valve body off ebay,the listing number was 250692250465. You can see at bottom of listing I asked what part number it was and the reply was 17675 and the part number on the valve body when I recieved it is a 17166. I am not sure if the person did not know what to look at for part number? The valve body looks clean and the description that was given is probably what it is as I called turbo action and it is their early auto/manual valve body. So what would you do in this case,just try it and see or be mad about part number difference as it was asked?
Contact the seller. Don't get riled, just explain the problem & see what he has to say in response.
BTW, do you still have his email where he told you the part#? If so you might forward him a copy as a polite reminder that the problem is his. Ebay may be a lot of things but they do frown on misrepresentation.If he does not satisfy you quickly (1wk or less) file a claim with Ebay &/or Paypal.
Yes I have email and seller posted question/awnser at bottom of listing