Another Lawyer Joke



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Dec 18, 2005
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Northwestern Pennsylvania
A very successful attorney approached the gates of Heaven. God was on duty that day and asked the attorney why he felt he should be admitted. The attorney proudly said, "I was very successful on earth. I handled lots of cases and won big settlements. I had a huge home of 26 rooms with 6 bathrooms." God said, "OK, but what did you do for the less fortunate?" The attorney said, "I saw a homeless man in Pittsburgh and gave him a quarter." God asked St. Peter to look in the Book of Life and sure enough, the act of kindness was printed there.
The attorney said, "I also once gave a homeless man in Cleveland a quarter." St. Peter looked it up and it was recorded. God asked the man if he did anything else. The attorney thought for a moment and replied, "No." God turned to St. Peter and whispered, "This is a tough one. What would you do?" St. Peter replied, "I'd give him back his 50 cents and tell him to go to Hell!"