Any health care professionals?



Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2008
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Kansas City, KS
Is it normal or reason that after a significant weight loss, that "colds" become more frequent, and more severe then when the person was carrying more weight?
Is it normal or reason that after a significant weight loss, that "colds" become more frequent, and more severe then when the person was carrying more weight?
I am no dr, but how was the weight loss dun ? more exercise, less of the bad foods ?
I have seen people working out and getting more exercise but they are coming in contact with a flew strain bug everyday and can't fight it off and it seems to be worse. I would back track and see what changes they made in there daily life that could be infecting them, I would not think weight loss would do this, Stay hydrated and look at anything different they are doing on a daily basis Backtobasics.
If you have altered your diet, this could be affecting your immune system. You may be running low on the vitamins and minerals and other nutrients to keep your immune system up.

I am no professional though.
The major change was going from pop / soda as a main form of hydration, to water.
Food intake has been adjusted slightly, but not significantly. Exercise routine (not applicable)has not changed.

For the last 2-3 years, I have had a couple of colds, that start in the head for a day, then move to the chest, and they sit on chest and vocal cords for days. I lose my voice, and major chest congestion. I sound terrible, but feel ok. Mucinex doesn't touch it unless I am 3 pills 3-4 times a day, when max is supposed to be 4 per day. Time and raising body temp (multiple blankets, sweat it out) seem to be the only solution.

BTW, I went from 322 to 244 lbs.