Any Red Hot Chilli Pepper fans?



Legandary Member
Legendary Member
Jun 2, 2004
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No, not the intestional treats, but the band. I just got home from seeing them in New Jersey. Whatta show! The opening act, Mars Volta, was ....shall we say, shitty. VERY shitty... SO shitty that Amy and me left our seats and stood in the conssesion area people watching, which sucked also. Are most RHCP fans either dorky guys in shorts, or fat girls wearing belly shirts? No matter, the band rocked. Flea was incredible.... They played almost 2 hours and dug deep into their catalog for some older stuff.


Final stop on our 2006 concert schedule, Alice in Chains in a small club in Manhatten next month. Review to follow!
I went to saskatoon to see them. They truley are AMAZING live, and i was very impressed with there song selection like you said.

Mars Volta was interesting though, i never hated it at all.
I saw them in Vegas during summer of '05, i believe in August. It was for Las Vegas' 100 birthday so the concert was FREE. The Adolecents(spelling??) opened, followed by some announcments followed by Weezer, who didn't play any Pinkerton. :angry4: They played for about an hour and a half, then there was an announcment from the mayor i believe. Finally half hour later RHCP came out and rocked on for about 2 hours. Then came back for another like 30 min. encore. This was before Stadium Arcadium so of course they played a lot of old stuff plus most of Californication. Awesome concert!!!!
i like RHCP. i wanted to see them in Cleveland but didnt get tickets fast enough. They were sold out before i knew it. but i have seen them before and they put on an awesome show. and Flea is hands down one of the best bassists i have ever heard.
i am listening to them right now at work... they put on a hell of a live show!
Well John, This is one band we cant agree on. I like a few songs of theres but not enough to buy a disc.
I've made a vow..if I hear "Aeroplane" 1 more time while driving... I'm going to kick the speaker in on my side of the car. Luckily the Dart wont be on the road anytime soon.
Yeah that ones pretty bad. Californiacation drives me insane also.
Love'm, I think they rock and really wish I could get to see them sometime because I had heard the put on an outstanding show. I agree though, sometimes the radio stations can really run a song into the ground. They totaly ruined my taste for AeroSmith when they were coming to town, ran there songs over and over till I just shut the radio off and refused to listen to it till they had been here and gone. I like there new album alot.
krabysniper said:
............ sometimes the radio stations can really run a song into the ground.

That's why I have a subscription to Sirius....BEST $10 a month I could spend!

Mars Volta came out and played 3 songs: the first was about 4 minutes and was tight and well done. The second song dragged on for about 10 minutes and was quite boring...The third song was about as pleasant as a prison rape. It was a TWO CHORD song that went on for OVER 20 MINUTES!!!!!!!!!!!! When it finally ended, NO ONE applauded. Not a sound from the audience.

I've been playing for over 30 years and I know talent, and I know advant-garde. This was P-U-R-E NOISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wish I had a pocket full of D cell batteries to hurl at `em.