Anybody here suffer from vertigo?



Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2006
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Brandon, MS
I started having bouts with vertigo last September, and am now having at least a couple a month. I've been to an Ear Nose & throat specialist and basically was just given some exercises to do while lying down. These are supposed to help somehow with the problem in the inner ear that is causing the vertigo. Any suggestions or tips on how you deal with it?
I too have that problem on occasion. Did they give you something called " The modified semont maneuver" ? If you Google " EPLY" there is a You tube that shows you how to do it. So far it has done little to help me but I keep going hoping some day it will subside. The only thing I can do to keep them from happening very often is to make sure I make no quick movements of my head....Wish I could help...Wish somebody could help....At my age ( 67) Dr's don't seem to put much effort into helping you if they can't prescribe some pill for you to take so they can get their kick backs from the pharmaceutical reps.
Yup. I could write you a book.
Somewhat. ...when I lay on my back under the car or under my dash, I start getting real queasy and dizzy.
Makes working on the car a *****.......sometimes I just have to stop for the day.

Not cool...I hate it.
Do the exercises. Try sea sick pills they work for some. My doc gave me meclizine for when it gets really bad. Good luck.
Same here, under the car and try to focus on something close. Feels like I want to through up. Doesn't happen all the time but when it does it really crews me up.
Same here, under the car and try to focus on something close. Feels like I want to through up. Doesn't happen all the time but when it does it really crews me up.

Yup....takes the fun out of something I really enjoy. ....
I got it 2 years ago & I'm 65 now. I was in the hospital for 3 days for other issues & the very next day I got vertigo. I did the excercises & took meclizine. Only on quick turns of my head, do I have any issues, now. Good luck!
Gat a treatment at Anschutz medical center in Aurora CO . they moved you with your head different directions while holding a vibrating device behind your ear. It took maybe 5 minutes, and the difference was like night and day. Totally cured me instantly for months.
I still have some balance issues but I have dealt with this for about 18 years and am more or less used to it.
Thanks for the replies guys. I can be fine, having a good day, and then all of a sudden it hits me. I hope it will not continue to get worse because it really sucks.
My wife has it bad. She can now feel it coming on and when she does the exercises she can usually head it off.
When my sinus infection was at its worst I had it. No fun whatsoever....
First time it hit me I woke from a sound sleep holding the bed. Crawled to the bathroom and played chase the commode . Stomach was flipping. Everything was moving. All I could think was. How much money I spent in my youth to feel this way.
Gat a treatment at Anschutz medical center in Aurora CO . they moved you with your head different directions while holding a vibrating device behind your ear. It took maybe 5 minutes, and the difference was like night and day. Totally cured me instantly for months.
I still have some balance issues but I have dealt with this for about 18 years and am more or less used to it.

I've heard of doctors using tuning forks. I hope I don't get to that point.
Do any of you get really intense ringing in your ears when the vertigo hits? I now have something called mieneres disease (probably spelled it wrong). It's got something with too much fluid retention in the inner ear. It hits me about once every two weeks. Bad ringing in ears, sudden vertigo, I have to stop whatever I'm doing and sit or lay down till it stops. Usually a few minutes. Some people have it bad and the spells can last for hours.
I am 21 so i still have good health (Not to rub it in) but my Dad had it. Anytime he would be near a stream or see passing water like that he said he felt like he was going to pass out.

Weird stuff.
My wife had a bad case of it a few years ago.
An infected tooth was causing the trouble.