Anybody ready for some.........


71 Dart

Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2007
Reaction score
Uhrichsville, Ohio
Fishin ? With at least some more moderste temps. we are getting more antse about being able to rev up the horses and go cruising. But also an occasional trip to the lake will be appreciated too, fishing has been described as another good way to relax and waste time, but hey, it's fun and also a good hobby that works out well with drinking beer too :lol: My one son sent these pics to me and sure put a lil itch in me to go "jerkin on a pole". Evidently he is got cabin fevor bad too, LOL. Now, can't you just invision hooking up with something like this ? :

I am ready! Might go this weekend.

What the hell is that thing? It's huge!

Largest fish I ever caught freshwater is a 19 Lb. Red drum. Caught him on 12lb test and played him for about 15 minutes. I can't even imagine catching something like that! :tongue9:
hay guys is that a sturgeon or the biggest cat fish i've ever seen?

as for fishing i went spin casting for the first time this past fall, the company that i work for took all use engineers out to say thanks. well i as the rooky cought all the fish, 1 rainbow, 1 steelhead, and 2 coho salmon. all catch and release it was a blast, though i don't think that the other guys were all that imprest.

oh well there is talk of getting us out again after ski season but before fishing season starts up. sorry no pictures i am still in the darkages and don't have a digital
That is a Northern Pike caught up in Canada, BTW, that is not my boy, he just sent me the pic, didn't want anyone to be misinformed. The caption/description under the pic gives the specs.

Wooops, I see it did not include the pic specs, it was like 53" and 44 pounds. Sorry, my bad. On another site that information was included with the pic post ...?
Ok, I couldn't stand it.

I am GOING! Sunday afternoon till monday morning around 10. Going for catfish, Red drum and Stripers.
Wish me luck! Who is in San Antonio and wants to go fishin?
What a great thread 71 Dart!! :thumbup:
I have not took any water temperatures yet or picked up new fishing line.
But now that you have brought it up I need too.
I have a bucket of change that I have been building up to refresh my tackle box with.
I did not fish very much last year, So I will make up for it this year.
I fish like allot of people hunt, Camouflage myself and and keep the sun at my back
and hunt down the big one's from the bank.
Or take my 14' applelbee double hull aluminum German made in 1971 boat out. I will get a pic of it and show it to everyone.
Thank's 71 dart you have opened my eye's this morning. :salute:
I allays keep my eye out for these

These are the kind of fish I hunt for.
And they where NOT caught by me



Hope this turns out OK, I may have to resize it, but if I do it may not be that good of a pic, but let's give it a shot, this one is for Memike.

71 Dart said:
That is a Northern Pike caught up in Canada, BTW, that is not my boy, he just sent me the pic, didn't want anyone to be misinformed. The caption/description under the pic gives the specs.

Wooops, I see it did not include the pic specs, it was like 53" and 44 pounds. Sorry, my bad. On another site that information was included with the pic post ...?

Up here we call them Slew Sharks or Great Northern Snakes, most times they taste like crap with thousands of little bones tons of sharp teeth and I'm sure they'd put the run on an alligator. Once you catch them, before you bring them into the boat, you got to shoot them in the head otherwise they'll go right for the jewels.

71 Dart said:
Hope this turns out OK, I may have to resize it, but if I do it may not be that good of a pic, but let's give it a shot, this one is for Memike.

Shhheeezz What the heck is that thing!!

I would need a bigger boat and allot of nerve pill's to even think of hunting one of those down.

Glad they don't have feet and live around here.

I broke out in a sweet just looking at it 71 Dart
LOL, that my friend is one bad *** fish with even a nastier attitude, demon seed described them pretty accurately. I've seen a northern pike break surface and take a mallard with no problem, and when I lived in Wisconsin I hooked one on a double treeble spinner, he was all of maybe six inches long LOL. These boys are afraid of nothing and will go after anything they want, they may not always be successful but they will attack. That is until I try to catch them, then they just sit back and laugh their tail fins off at the old man on the the other end of the pole. LOL
Nothing better then catching a fish with an attitude.
Hook them then hang on. :blob:

Can't say I have ever seen or caught one,And not sure if I want to. :axe: