Anyone else tired of all the for sale posts and lack of tech posts?

I my self like the new post feature, You never know what you mite find when you click on it. be it something for sale or technical. For most one of the best mopar sites, for learning.
the for sale add carpet bombing is not going to go away. it would be nice if some of them would consolidate their crap in to just a few threads, but whatever. that's part of the reason I don't sell much any more, less than a day after I post , the for sale add Hiroshima of bumping commences and my adds are buried at least 3 pages back. its all good , I just try to skip over them, read between the threads, and sell my stuff locally
Just start here: and don't click on any of the for sale forums...just the tech parts you're interested in. If there are new posts since the last time you checked, the forum heading will be bolded.

I also prefer the one item for sale -> one post because I only open threads that are selling things I'm looking for that way, instead of wading through 50 lines of stuff i'm not interested in. That said, it is sometimes tedious when someone lists 100 parts in an hour and fills up the whole for sale forum.
X3, I don't care for the posts that the original poster asks a question, or starts a poll, or makes a comment, and isn't heard from in that post again. Looks to me like they are just wanting a higher post count

I'm guilty of that, sometimes. I'll start a thread and put up what's on my mind, read everything that's been said and won't have a response for what's there. At that point, better to not type anything than to let it continue.
I also dont use the new post feature and just go into each topic area individually. I checked each area multiple times a day, just following other posts or actually searching for answers. Personally it doesn't bother me that there are a lot of sale ads.


I head straight to Forums-Automotive Technical Forums. Then I cruise each of the parts for sale forums individually.

You are complaining about a shortcut. I skip the New Posts section because I could care less about the political crap and whether or not someone's cat got stuck in a tree but that's my choice. Someday forum software will advance to the point that we can easily configure our home page but until then this is what we are "stuck" with. It's a damn good place to be stuck!

Now if people would just use the Thread Tools dropdown to mark their ads sold...